Got lost during my first class today



  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    Don't be discouraged! My Sister-in-law keeps getting me to go to a Zumba class with her. I've been there 4 or 5 times and I still get lost a little...the more you go the easier it will get. Nobody can expect to get it perfectly right without lots of practice. :flowerforyou:
    You are a brave woman! There is no way I could keep up with a dance class lol. My brain can't keep track of all the steps lol.

    Thank you all for the encouragement, I am really looking forward to the next class :) Even though I wasn't perfect it was still fun!
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Step is the worst in regards to catching on and keeping up. BUT once you learn the steps, calls and how the instructor teaches, I think it is the most fun class. I walked about halfway through my first step class, now 6 months later, I am in the front and leading the pack. Just keep with it, you will learn the moves. EVERYONE is like that in their first few step classes. Don't worry about it. Step makes me feel like I am in dance class :-)

    But even for those of us in the front of the pack, we still stumble, litterally. I was all jazz hands like, jumping high, exagerated movements one day and BAM! down to the floor I went, steps and risers everywhere. It happens. The instructor stopped the class to see if I was ok. We are all human.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I've been a certified group exercise instructor for 15 years and I still can't follow other peoples choreography. In order to become certified as an instructor, I had to take a 3 day intensive class (8 hours per day) learning the various moves. Then we had to put together our own choreography at the end. Because I could put my own choreography together at the end, I passed the certification. But we all had two left feet the whole time we were there! My best advice is to get a video and do it at home for a while. Practice each individual move, not the choreography. Then start practicing one combo at a time. Eventually, you will be able to string together a routine. If you're like me, though, and still can't follow anyone else, go get certified and teach it yourself using your combos they way your body likes to move. :laugh: Regardless, if you want to go back to the class, just stick with a step you know and keep moving while the instructor is doing more advanced combos. She may take the hint and make her choreography less intimidating. But even if she doesn't, you're still going to keep your heart rate up and get a good workout in while learning the steps.
  • igmom
    igmom Posts: 90
    Don't give up! Try other instructor's classes.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 788 Member
    Yes, most people start out like that. Just keep moving if you can, even if it isn't what the others are doing. The rest will come. Ask the instructor to show you the move in slow motion after class.

    I was totally going to ask her after class but there was a class coming in the second we were done. I don't know how I can get a chance to talk to her. There is a cycling class right before the class I was taking too. I am thinking of watching youtube vids and practicing on the steps when a class isn't in session.

    Does she teach all three classes? Even if it is outside of the room, maybe you can snag her for a moment?