Cannot. Get. Off. This. Wagon.

And a bad wagon at that.

It started a week before christmas when I was in training for work and was at the mercy of the food they served us. Overall that was okay, but shortly after I have been going up to about 2,000-2,500 calories. I know it's the holidays, but before then I had successfully dropped 20 pounds and now I am closer to my goal than I have ever been. It's like I'm allowing myself to start eating when I'm not hungry or bored and that's a bad, bad habit.

How can I stop this?? I've lost weight successfully in the past - I should know how to do this!!!

Has anyone else been going through this?


  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    I have good times and bad times! And I've come to terms with it. When I crave for pizza I just have it and add some exercise and eat less the next day. If you feel like snacking even tho you're not hungry, try to keep yourself busy. Try to find something to do/clean around the house or if you are at work try to keep yourself busy there.. I'm sure at work there are a lot more important things to do than snack! (That's how I like to think).

    Thank God I seem to have this invisible switch in my head that will tell me when I'm going to far.. I might eat like a pig for a week or two (I exercise a lot tho) and go over my calorie goal every day but then I usually realize that now I got to get my **** together.