Gastric by-Pass Surgery



  • seehawkmomma
    I want the surgery. Sooo bad.

    I get so discouraged when I dont see the weight loss when i work my *kitten* off.

    I know two friends who got it and they look amazing and just keep getting smaller. They eat right and are doing great. I'm jealous of what they have accomplished as well as proud for them to keeping it up.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    seahawk, I once had a renowned Dr tell me, and at the time he was in his 60s and practicing , but he point blank said.........."If you can at any cost, dont have surgery........unless you have no options" basically, he was saying that if I could possibly prevent getting cut open, dont do it, unless I HAD TO.......... " stay away from elective surgery"

    Basically, what his implication was to make me aware that if you can avoid surgery with another option, do it.....I did read that for the bi pass surgery, and again, this was a while back, but 1 in 200 of the people having the surgery die during surgery/ after surgery complications.......

    Im a wooz when it comes to Drs and hospitals.....literally, I have an irrational fear of Drs and hospitals, but now that Im thinner, Im not so scared.......I used to be afraid that if I had surgery, as big as I was, that the weight would be what would take me, not the disease/ illness during surgery............I was so ashamed and scared of having a surgery, that instead, I lost 150 lbs and now Im normal sized and feel really secure and not so aprehensive about hosptials, but they still make me nervous

    Seahawk, you really dont have tons to lose, I see how much you have left to lose.......again, Im not a professional, but I averaged about 10 lbs a month, then went thru some plateaus and then lost more..........again, I gained some during the holidays, very stressful this year, lost a very dear friend of 30 years, did some emotional eating, but thats what got me to where I was in the first place.........Im 15 lbs heavier than my lowest, but is ok, Im great at keeping New Years resolutions.....
    there are many complications after surgery as well, ie, infections, fevers, and then some...........

    just know your options before you do...........Im not saying that you shouldnt, just be informed and then make the decision..........If you were 600 lbs and barely breathing, then yeah, I do it, but I lost 150 in about 17 months and in perfect can be done...............Best wishes on your choice and Happy New Year.............Lloyd
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    I am very proud of my weight loss. 149 lbs since Jan and I had VSG. Yes I can't eat a lot and at first that what lost the weight. But I am almost a yr out and I can eat more and if I chose crappy things I would gain it back. I work my *kitten* off. And just b/c I had surgery does not make my journey any less special for the those of you that didnt. There are a lot of uneducated ppl on this thread. First of all sugery is just a tool. You have to change your relationship with food. Second of all to the ppl who said "why do it if u can lose weight on your own?" Yeah I could and did. But I woule gain it back. The point of surgery is to lose and maintain. And while yes some do gain some back there are a whole lot of do not. I am so happy I had it done and I am healthy and happy. I eat what I want. In moderation. I exercise and weight lift and eat healthy 90% of the time. Do not judge people who have chosen to get healthy. It makes you look ignorant.
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    copied and pasted from a previous post of mine

    desparate times require desparate measures.............I think, IMHO, that each case is unique and different

    If I weighed 600 lbs, as there are people that weigh that much, and if I have EVERY known obesity related disease, ie, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc, then I would do what I had save my life. I d take care of myself and not worry about what people thought........think about it, if you weigh 600 lbs, its obvious what you are doing ISNT working, Sleep apnea can kill you, asthma can kill you, congestive heart disease can kill you.........If Im plagued with all these chronic illnesses, then I need to make a life saving decision because its obvious all my other choices arent working...............So I think its a right decision to use the surgery as a tool.........

    Well said. My mother and sister did it with varying degrees of success. My mother gained a bunch back drinking frappacinos. My sister has lost a lot and has stayed steady, though she is still overweight. A coworker of mine as lost a lot of weight too, and takes it seriously. He is a coach for other patients. If you are in such a state, and it is something to take a first drastic step, it is your choice.

    I used the gym for 15 months as a tool, to get healthy and lose the weight.......I used the gym as my tool to get healthy, along with a healthy diet........... I made a life saving decision and Ive never felt better and plan to stay that way. I have stumbled for sure, Im human , but Im not going back to that black hole I was living in , prior my weight loss............

    If a person uses the surgery as a tool, to help them save their life, so be it ........I support their decision.

    Happy and Healthy New Years to all...................Lloyd