Bring on the holiday goodies!!!

Darn holiday goodies, why do you plague us with such sweet sugary goodness? And why do you have to show up everywhere including work? I figured away from the house is the safest since I have a pantry full of you! If one more person walks by and asks if I want cookies, chocolate, fudge, doughnuts, cakes, and pies... I think I might scream. Ohh how some whip cream on a large slice of pumpkin pie sounds soooo good. The creaminess of the topping in my mouth savoring every bite… maybe just a small peace it can’t hurt right? This is plane torture. Its right next to me just in the other cube!!! Do they know I am on a diet, I ask myself, are they doing this to be cruel? Blindfolds and nose plugs anyone? I just can’t look away! Okay nose to the computer… don’t look up… I can do this. Wish me luck today guys.. I will need it!