*how long before i see results* :/

im on day three of my fitness plan, i know i cant expect miracles to happen but realisticly how long before i see weightloss results?
yesterday i went shopping and bought four dresses that are too small at the moment,there hanging in my wardrobe,i'll see them every morning and i cant wait until they fit me!!! :)


  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    It depends what you are doing. But when I did the Turbo Fire progam and cut back on my portions, I saw results in about 3-4 weeks.
  • jeckyb
    jeckyb Posts: 60
    really? thats such a short period, well done. can you tell me more about the turbo fire program?
  • jjblurayracks

    I started seeing massive results (cm wise) in about 3-4 weeks. just on my hips i've lost over 5cm's. In terms of weight nothing yet as alot of factors are coming into play like my 15 years of smoking (obviously quit now) slowing my metabolism way down.

    But keep with it and eating well is not enough. join up at a gym!!

    Just keep at it! This is really a great site to keep track of calories and get some much needed motivation!
  • jeckyb
    jeckyb Posts: 60
    thank you,im embarrassed to say im actually joined with a really good gym i've been paying my monthly membership and not going :o going to get back into it this evening though :)
  • jjblurayracks
    thank you,im embarrassed to say im actually joined with a really good gym i've been paying my monthly membership and not going :o going to get back into it this evening though :)

    Just go and if you can afford it (and are really serious about it) get a heart rate monitor and use it to track your progress. controlling your heart rate and knowing the difference between fitness training and fat burning has really made a difference in me. I went from dying after a 5 minute bike ride to cycling 50 minutes (about 15 miles) while barely breaking a sweat!
  • jeckyb
    jeckyb Posts: 60
    wow well done thanks for the advice :)
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I joined the gym and starting going at least 3 days a week starting November 1st and I'm already in a size smaller pants. :smile: I started MFP about 1.5wks ago and love it. Really helps to track what I'm eating. I'm down 11lbs and feeling great!
  • MHunte
    MHunte Posts: 149
    I'm going on my second week and i already lost 4lbs.
  • JohnnyResets
    JohnnyResets Posts: 177 Member

    I actually started seeing results in a week. Only .6 pounds but then the next week it was 2.4 and then this last week I dropped another 2 for a total of 5 in about 3 weeks.

    Mind you, I'm a guy and we tend to drop it faster when we work at it, but MFP is keeping me honest and I think that is a huge factor. I'd been working with a trainer for two months and hadn't dropped a pound until I started using this, so keep at it!! :smile:
  • Poohsta0
    Poohsta0 Posts: 147 Member
    As for results don't just focus on weight. I have seen 5 pounds in 4 weeks but also lost inches, have more energy, don't wake up in the morning feeling tired, take the 4 flights of stairs to work without a coronary, and generally I am feeling positive about my ability to make it work!
  • harley_rose
    I had 50lbs to lose, after 4 months I am down 25lbs...Eating correctly and intake of water with exercising at least 5 days a week . Whether it is walking 30 minutes a day or strength training.. in a month I lost mostly retained water of 8lbs.. the rest is falling off pound by pound by eating right and exercise
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I lost 20 lbs in my first month. But I started out 100 lbs obese, meaning that I had to lose 100 lbs just to not be obese. Most of the initial weight loss is water, but its still a loss and you should see it right away. Couldn't tell you when you will be able to wear those dresses. It just depends how ambitious you were with your purchases. Good luck! Remember to be careful with sodium because it will cause you to retain water.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    As for results don't just focus on weight. I have seen 5 pounds in 4 weeks but also lost inches, have more energy, don't wake up in the morning feeling tired, take the 4 flights of stairs to work without a coronary, and generally I am feeling positive about my ability to make it work!
    this, measure and try on those dresses once a wk or so. it helps, i have only lost 12 lbs but down a sz and already back into my skinny jeans as per profile pic!