Fish..if you don't like fish! :(



  • 1WorkoutAtATime
    TILAPIA!!!!! With garlic and (lightly added) butter, it's DELICIOUS!!!!!

    this ...
  • JustLindaLou
    JustLindaLou Posts: 376 Member
    I was going to suggest halibut steaks, grilled, they have a nice meaty texture and can be seasoned lots of ways - ginger, garlic, lemon for an Asian twist. Should not have any fishy taste.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Swordfish, shark and tuna are all meaty fishes. Sometimes the darker part of the meat has a strong taste to it but most of the meat has a similar texture to pork chops if well cooked.

    My personal favorite is salmon but it has to be cooked in a strong sauce (use A1 chicago steakhouse marinade) and cooked through. I'll eat it raw in sushi rolls no problem but it has to be fully cooked when plated as a filet - just personal preference.

    Speaking of sushi, a friend of mine hates cooked fish but she's pretty ok with sushi. We think it has something to do with the cooking process releasing oils which change the flavor and smell of the meat. Maybe you're the same?
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    Fish makes me gag. I can't stand even being in the same room.
  • amerr
    amerr Posts: 190
    Only fish I really like is tilapia. There are a few others that I can choke down if necessary, but I'll eat tilapia because I like it.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Halibut and Tilapia are very mild in taste and odor and tend to be much more solid, they are fish for people that don't like fishy flavors.
  • spottedlee
    Try Tilapia and/or Cod both a very mild fish (no fishy taste or smell)... I broil it and then add alittle salsa on top with steamed veggies.... I have always hated fishy tasting fish too and these I can eat with no problem.... We buy our cod and tilapia in bulk at Sams Club.... They are individually wrap so you only need get out what you use...
    Me too!

    I had Tilapia for first time last night and love it,,, normally I am not crazy for fish but tilapia is very good, easy to cook too and like this person says,, get it frozen and it is individually wrapped! 4 oz is 97 calories and 21g protien
  • margrobins
    margrobins Posts: 98 Member
    I have always HATED fish (and have a weird phobia of them).. They stink, they look gross, and taste horrible.. BUT with that said - a couple of years ago I was told by my doc that I had really high cholesterol for someone my age (was 23 at the time), so I was supposed to focus on eliminating junk and add OMEGA-3 - his suggestion was fish. I near died at the thought.

    The only fish I have been able to stomach is Haddock. The flavor can be masked easily if mixed in something. I'm still NOT a huge fan, but by incorporating it with something else, I've been able to introduce it into my diet on a regular basis without throwing it up 5 minutes later *lol*

    Good luck :0)

  • spottedlee
    Sorry for this but I got this in email yesterday and I had to post it,,,,,,,
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Thing is I had something called Halibut the other day at a thai resturant and it was actually gorgeous, really meaty fish!

    Halibut is wonderful! It's expensive, but it's easy to cook, takes seasoning very well, and is very lean!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Pretty common, mostly from early life experiencing badly prepared and not so fresh fish. Keep trying.
  • aregensb
    aregensb Posts: 239 Member
    I used to hate fish and did not eat it for about 5 years. I have reintroduced it to my diet and don't mind most fish (as long as they don't taste horribly fishy!). I still avoid shellfish (except for crab... yum!). I actually started eating fish again because I tried sushi and really enjoyed it. I guess because its consistency is different from cooked shrimp. Sushi's consistency kind of makes me think of lunch meat and it doesn't have too strong a smell since it's not cooked.

    I eat other fish now too and tend to have them on the med rare side. I only buy fresh fish, like tuna steaks or salmon filets. You can find pretty decent sales at the store sometimes too.

    Edit: embarrassing its/it's typo, nooo!

    I love, love, love that you caught it!

    I am very particular about proper punctuation and grammar. The misuse of its/it's, they're/there/their, and "alot" are my pet peeves. :blushing:
  • slay0r
    slay0r Posts: 669 Member
    Thanks guys really appreciate that! I'll have to go searching for somr recipes, especially that halibut one I had, sweet chilli halibut was just amazing from a very good Thai place!
  • danniellexxx
    I am not a fish person either but I can just about handle tuna, pollock, cod and salmon ... salmon is probably the best!!