accurate HRM calories?

I need some comparison numbers people! I got a heart rate monitor for christmas (its the wrist watch kind) and its my first time using a heart rate monitor while working out. Previously I was using the Nike pedometer app on my Iphone which really only counted your calories based on steps taken and not intensity. Needless to say, when I would do a workout like 45 minute Turbo Fire the Nike app would say I burned maybe 377 calories. Now that I am using the heart rate monitor it said I burned 745 calories.
Someone on MFP told me that the wrist watch HRM wasn't very accurate, so I am so afraid to record my calories burned at such a high number because it feels wrong to eat back that many calories. I just don't want to sabotage my progress! Can anyone else maybe compare the calories they've burned in either the same work out or a similar one who uses a chest strap HRM?


  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    my MIO petite watch HRM estimates too low I think. I think the chest strap ones are the most accurate. I just use mine on runs...and apparently during a should burn 80-100 calories per mile.
  • To me the best accurate Wrist watch to get is the Garmin Forerunner 405 cx (or my favorite which I use is the Garmin Forerunner 405). You can go to a gym and work with a trained specialist who know how to use the Newleaf metabolic person training program and program it directly into your device... (this is only on the 405 - not the cx). Once they program this in, it will have your personal metabolic rate uploaded into the device and accurately count your Calories and Fat Calories burned. This device also has built in GPS so you know exactly how far you have run when outdoors. You will find yourself pushing yourself in every single workout. Whether it be to push yourself in distance ran, or pushing yourself in additional calories burned. There are also many other little things this wrist watch can do, but for me, its worth every penny. When I bought this watch it was well over $300 and worth every penny. Today you can get this watch on Ebay for around $170 with the Heart Rate monitor included. This is a very inexpensive investment for something that has pushed me as hard as a personal trainer and I have had it for over 3 years and continues to push me every single workout.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I'm sorry to say this, but without a chest strap it is pretty much useless for calculation of calories.
  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    I just got one too and having problems as well. I tried it for the first time with Zumba yesterday and the website said with a low intensity workout I should have burned at least 186 in 20 min and the HRM watch said 45 calories. So I am taking it back because to me it doesn't work and getting a chest HRM.

    Sorry I am no help because mine shows I hardly burn anything and I know I had to have burned more than 45---I was having my butt handed to me LOL
  • Mine did the same thing the first time I tried it! Don't take it back yet! I read more on it and it said for best results to check your heart rate before you start your workout, during the warm up, during the actual workout and then during the cool down. I tried that and it started working.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 778 Member
    bump for later reading
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    The more you get a reading, the more accurate it will be. The chat strap gives a continuous reading whereas the watch is only a set of data points, so the more times during your workout that you take your heart rate.. The more data it has to work with and the more accurate it will be. I got one from walmart for christmas:.. And it told me I only burned 79 calories in a whole hour of P90X core synergistics. Needless to say, I exchanged it for the model with a chest strap that was only 10 dollars more. Granted, it's still a walmart one and a cheaper version but the chest strap has made a huge difference.
  • crb1988
    crb1988 Posts: 134 Member
    My HRM has a chest strap. The last time I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party my HRM said I burned 476 calories. But it depends on a lot of factors (age, weight, intensity, etc.)

    You could split the difference between MFP and your HRM, or log what your HRM says and not eat back all of the calories.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    my MIO petite watch HRM estimates too low I think. I think the chest strap ones are the most accurate. I just use mine on runs...and apparently during a should burn 80-100 calories per mile.

    I have this one too - and it is wayyy low on calories. It only counts the steps you take -- so if I'm (for example) punching a heavy bag - obviously I'm burning calories, but it's not counting anything because I'm standing still. annoying.
  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    Mine did the same thing the first time I tried it! Don't take it back yet! I read more on it and it said for best results to check your heart rate before you start your workout, during the warm up, during the actual workout and then during the cool down. I tried that and it started working.

    OK I will try that in the morning and see what it gives me. Thanks for the suggestions.
  • LethaSue
    LethaSue Posts: 285 Member
    I was told that the wrist watch kind are very undependable as caloric readings go. It can say one number with your heart rate up and a few seconds later it will say something totally different. My readings on the heart rate moniter with a chest strap are giving me readings of about a third to one half of what the data base gives you.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    I have a watch one.from kmart...I push the botton alll the time.during a workout...I burn about 600 cal. Doing 45 min of zumba...400 doing 30 ds and about 350 doing has helped me lose 56 pounds....just push the button alot. Altjough i have heard chest strap one are better.
  • OSUloulou
    OSUloulou Posts: 74 Member
    I have a chest strap polar f4 HRM. 45 mins of turbo jam has given me readings between 415 and 452.....depending on how much i am putting into it. But you need to consider other factors like age/weight ect....
  • I had a nice long reply with a thank you to all that gave input and then it all got erased somehow! lol Sooooo thanks guys!
  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    Mine did the same thing the first time I tried it! Don't take it back yet! I read more on it and it said for best results to check your heart rate before you start your workout, during the warm up, during the actual workout and then during the cool down. I tried that and it started working.

    Thanks for this and I tried again this morning. I really think mine is jacked up!! I was able to get my resting HR but I could never get a read during my workout no matter what I did. Once I was finished and sat down I was able to get a read GRRR then it went to beeping and flashing and I was unable to do anything, it kept wanting to take my HR even though I just wanted to reset the cal and go back to the watch. Maybe I am just HRM challenged LOL but I think I will return it as faulty for all the crazy beeping it is "still" doing and go with a chest HRM. Thanks again!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Mine did the same thing the first time I tried it! Don't take it back yet! I read more on it and it said for best results to check your heart rate before you start your workout, during the warm up, during the actual workout and then during the cool down. I tried that and it started working.

    Thanks for this and I tried again this morning. I really think mine is jacked up!! I was able to get my resting HR but I could never get a read during my workout no matter what I did. Once I was finished and sat down I was able to get a read GRRR then it went to beeping and flashing and I was unable to do anything, it kept wanting to take my HR even though I just wanted to reset the cal and go back to the watch. Maybe I am just HRM challenged LOL but I think I will return it as faulty for all the crazy beeping it is "still" doing and go with a chest HRM. Thanks again!!

    Good for you for returning.. The advice not to return it is wrong(sorry OP!)

    Chest strap HRM"s are really the only accurate way because with the watch kind it only records when you touch it.. and unless you plan on keeping your finger on the sensor the entire time, it's going to be way off.

    To OP:
    I'd return your's and get one with a chest strap... you'll be better off in the long run!
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I LOVE my Polar HRN ( i have the FT4) it seems to work great and the numbers are usually pretty close to what MFP shows for the workout (usually a little lower actually.. but it also said I burned 700+ calories in 59 minutes of Zumba that was really just me dancing making a fool of myself in front of my hubby so IDK...)so I'm guessing they are pretty accurate. I have the chest strap tho bc the regular watch one wont pick mine up.

    IDK if it helps or not but good luck with it!
  • rockchalkgrove
    rockchalkgrove Posts: 44 Member
    Just curious...did you have a calorie point/metabolic test first? It is important to have one and then have your HRM programmed to your specific zones. You will get a very accurate reading after being tested.
  • Mine did the same thing the first time I tried it! Don't take it back yet! I read more on it and it said for best results to check your heart rate before you start your workout, during the warm up, during the actual workout and then during the cool down. I tried that and it started working.

    Thanks for this and I tried again this morning. I really think mine is jacked up!! I was able to get my resting HR but I could never get a read during my workout no matter what I did. Once I was finished and sat down I was able to get a read GRRR then it went to beeping and flashing and I was unable to do anything, it kept wanting to take my HR even though I just wanted to reset the cal and go back to the watch. Maybe I am just HRM challenged LOL but I think I will return it as faulty for all the crazy beeping it is "still" doing and go with a chest HRM. Thanks again!!

    Good for you for returning.. The advice not to return it is wrong(sorry OP!)

    Chest strap HRM"s are really the only accurate way because with the watch kind it only records when you touch it.. and unless you plan on keeping your finger on the sensor the entire time, it's going to be way off.

    To OP:
    I'd return your's and get one with a chest strap... you'll be better off in the long run!
  • I wouldn't say my suggestion to not return it is wrong....I was simply giving her another option and suggestion to try since my HRM did the same thing. I wasn't saying "don't return it because wrist HRM's are better than the chest strap". My HRM will update calories burned when you update your heart rate. That's all:) If she returns it for a better option then great.
    Hope it all works out:)