Why Soy milk or Cows milk?

When researching ideas for healthy food/snacks most suggest soy milk instead of cows milk? Why is that? Never had soy milk. I drink 2% cows milk.


  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    Get unsweetened almond milk (unless you have a nut allergy, use oat, hemp, or rice milk), it has less sugars in it than cow milk, I drank soy milk for awhile & I cannot stand the taste, even after I got used to it, it just wasn't something I've enjoyed
    almond milk is 100x better tasting than soy milk anyway :)

  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I drink whole cow's milk, I am not trying to lose weight and burn so many cals each day so I can take the cals.
    I like the creaminess of whole cow's milk and the taste.
    I actually add coffee creamer (coffee mate peppermint mocha) to my milk to make it even creamier.
    I love milk :heart:
    But the main reason I would say is that cows milk contains particular hormones that are responsible for growth, it is also higher in sugar, fat and cals. If you want to lose weight it is probably not the best thing to drink, and even I drank soy and almond milk while I was working on losing weight. Now I am working on gaining muscle and tone I am back to drinking regular milk.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    comparing soy and almond milk, the almond milk is definitely creamier! If you like the creaminess, get almond milk as a healthy alternative :)
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    ...or coconut milk!! I cook a lot with coconut milk

    edit: http://www.energeticbalancing.us/why-you-should-avoid-soy