Why protein shakes?

Can someone please explain the benefits to protein shakes to me? I understand they aid in muscle recovery but are there any other benefits? Any cons?


  • bacanbit
    bacanbit Posts: 58 Member
    Any advice? Anyone?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Convienence mostly, their no different than most protein sources, with the exception of having less micronutrients for the most part.
  • Michael_23
    Easy to carry around in a bag,Muscles will absorb a liquid quicker other then eating a whole meal (post workout) Also if you are aiming to get in a certain amount of protein just eating whole foods, protein shakes are a great option to help you.
  • Luthorcrow
    You can get the same benefits from 16 oz of milk but the main advantage is it is fast, designed to be quickly absorbed by your muscles for recovery but more than that it is way to pump your protein content. Keep in mind for folks that are bulking up it can be hard to eat enough raw foods to meet calorie needs and liquids are easier to get down on a full eating schedule.

    If your goal is strictly weight loss you don't need to ever worry about drinking a protein drink unless you like them. For pure weight loss lean proteins and increasing vegetable content will fill out all your calorie needs.