Hello All,

My name is Austin. Although I signed up to myfitnesspal a while ago, I just started to really get serious about logging my journey. I have been overweight for a while now and I am trying this site for guidance and a big picture of exactly whats going on in my diet. I always wanted to know why thinner friends eat anything and stay thin and I eat less and continue to grow. After monitoring for the last couple of weeks I realize that I have been consuming more cals than I thought. My goal is to lose 100 pounds. 30 of them need to come off quick for health reasons. I need the support of the forum and forum friends for support:smile: . I look forward to this journey. So far so good.


  • Dustin_02
    Dustin_02 Posts: 76 Member
    Good luck Austin you can do it! I was in the same boat as you. I need to lose 100 pound for health reasons and Ive lost 57 so far and I feel so much better! I'll add ya
  • neenie12
    I have only been on here for about 10 days but have found the food and exercise log so helpful. Just take it one day at a time :smile:

    good luck!