Loose skin?

Hey everyone, i have been doing MFP on and off for about the last 6 months i think, depression keeps me yo-yoing.

However, i think one of my biggest fears is becoming super saggy in all departments, ive had 3 kids and have a huge portion of my body covered in stretchmarks! I think some of my hold back for losing weight is that even though i am fat now, i will look disgusting when all the weight is gone :(

What are the best ways to minimise this effect? I have been doing SLOW weight loss as i know the faster it comes off the more chance of the skin not bouncing back.

Does anyone have pics for comparrison? Im really worried about my stomach area!


  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I have lost 54 pounds in about 5 months. I have loose skin on my belly but it was floppy before i lost weigth. I recently (maybe 2 weeks) started moisturizing my belly every night before bed and massaging the skin for about 5 minute. I've seen an DRAMATIC improvement in that period of time. I don't know if it's just that I've reached a certain point in my weightloss or if it's the lotion it's self but I was shocked by pictures just 5-7 pounds difference.

    I use a combination of Nivea Good-bye Cellulite gel cream, Nivea rich nourishing and Bio Oil. Whichever is closest at the time. I have pics but I don't know if I'm brave enough to share O_o
  • SarahJane0691
    SarahJane0691 Posts: 25 Member
    I vote you be brave and share! This is something that constantly worries me so I would be interested to see :) Well done on your weightloss!
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    Does anyone have pics for comparrison? Im really worried about my stomach area!

    I don't have any before pictures, because I was busy avoiding the camera when I was 27kgs heavier. But go to this page:


    And the pictures are about halfway down the page of me. After losing 27kgs. Just so you can see where I've got with my body and weight loss, with my hundreds of stretchmarks. I have them to about halfway between my boobs and belly button. And they go from below my bikini line. I also have them all over my hip area, my upper thighs, calves, under my arms and other places.

    So yes, you can lose the weight and start to regain a nice shape and figure, with all the stretchmarks and without saggy skin. I've still got more toning to do and a few kgs more to lose. But as you can see, it's not all doom and gloom. I've had 2 babies and am 32. I went from size 18, nearly size 20, down to size 8. So I think you can get the weight lost and still look all good, despite having 3 babies and all the stretchmarks. Keep up the good work! And yeah, slow weight loss does definitely help avoid the saggy skin.