now that I'm a calorie counter....((Funny things))

I've been counting calories for 4-5 years so I'm by no means new to this but...some things that have erupted from me being a calorie counter...

1. I hate sharing my "pre-counted" foods-- I will gladly pop you your own bag of popcorn but do not take mine!

2. I hate 1/2 serving sizes and when a package holds SLIGHTLY more/less than a full serving. so annoying.

what are yours?


  • BodybyPlants
    BodybyPlants Posts: 76 Member
    Small companies who are not required to put a nutrition label on their food AND when restaurants of college dining halls do not share their nutrition information!
  • Totally with you for your #1.

    Also, if I can't find a nutrition menu online I will definitely call the restaurant. Most of the time, they "don't have one available". Grr.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    This isn't really a "thing" but a funny story. On my 21st birthday a good friend planned to take me out to my favorite mexican restaurant for dinner and margaritas so I worked out for 3 or 4 hours that day so I had a nice calorie bank and could eat/drink "whatever I wanted." I ended up getting very VERY sick at the end of the night and I remember asking my friend "How to I log this?" pointing at my pile of puke in the snowbank.:sick: ....oh my.... calorie counting. :laugh:
  • small restaurant chains that don't offer nutritional info

    I also hate that some chips are sold in single serving bags that exceed 460 cals (how is that a single serving?..and I always eat the entire bag) :(
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    I've been counting calories for 4-5 years so I'm by no means new to this but...some things that have erupted from me being a calorie counter...

    1. I hate sharing my "pre-counted" foods-- I will gladly pop you your own bag of popcorn but do not take mine!

    Exactly! And I will not take "a bite" of anyone else's food. I don't know how many calories to put down. Haha.
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member

    1. I hate sharing my "pre-counted" foods-- I will gladly pop you your own bag of popcorn but do not take mine!

    AHHH! I hate this!
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Finding out that an item has been entered with the incorrect calorie count on MFP.

    Going to an establishment where I ask how something is prepared and they tell me baked and It comes fried in a big delicious batter or something simular. You get the idea.
  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Definitely the restaurants that have no nutritional info and making a dish adding all the servings and calories that sometimes require adding seasonings that are only 5 calories here 5 calories there lol then dividing it by whatever portion I eat soo much damn math which btw I hate math!!
  • klewis81
    klewis81 Posts: 122
    I get annoyed when I really want a bite of something and I know I have the calories for it, but I won't because I am too lazy to figure out the tiny portion size to log it! I guess that is one way to keep me from snacking! Another annoyance is when I look at the database for the calorie count to a simple food, like pork loin or green bell peppers and I get a million different choices!
  • CiciPorcayo
    CiciPorcayo Posts: 380 Member
    I don't like when calories don't match up.. Like you said half serving make me mad... and I really hate eating fruit when I am out and can't actually see how many calories, sugars etc are in them I wish everything came with a LABEL... even fruits and veggies...
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I am the SAME way with number 1! lol
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 532 Member
    This doesn't work for small chains, but...

    I think that's pretty cool. I would love if all restaurants provided info!

    P.S. Love the 21st story... I wonder if MFP has a calorie burn for 10 minutes of yacking! LOL
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 315 Member
    I buy only food that have a nutritional ticket on them.
    I check mostly the calories, but the protein and carb intake too.
    Also I divide the total weight of the product in portions and calculate each portion's calories. (all this while I'm shopping in the supermarket...)

    I really spend more time doing calculations than shopping!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I don't even like sharing my popcorn with my dog anymore. I give him a handful before I sit down to eat my perfectly portioned bowl, but as far as throwing him a kernel once in a while like I used to... forget it. lol
  • I'm right there with you on #1. And I have a 2 year old that likes to steal my food, which drives me nuts and makes me proud that he's eating healthy. :-)
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    No more spur of the moments of just going out to eat some where. I have to go eat at a place that I can look up the nutrition values before I go.
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member

    1. I hate sharing my "pre-counted" foods-- I will gladly pop you your own bag of popcorn but do not take mine!

    AHHH! I hate this!

    Yep... don't mess with my calorie counted portion!! :D
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    1. I hate sharing my "pre-counted" foods-- I will gladly pop you your own bag of popcorn but do not take mine!

    ^^This!! It will bring out the B**** in me!! DO NOT TOUCH MY MOFO CALORIE COUNTED FOOD! My family like to make me mad and take bites!
  • Containers such as beverages or snack mix that have the calories listed per serving and it has 2.5 servings. Why not just list the whole bottle or have 2 servings. I can guess have of something better then 2/5ths
  • MrsT_2009
    MrsT_2009 Posts: 90 Member
    I don't like to share drinks with my husband because then I don't know if I'm getting all of my water!