Is Weight Watchers worth it??



  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I tried it back in 2006 and was ALWAYS hungry while doing it. I did lose a little bit of weight, but gained most of it back.

    I guess I find calorie counting to be easier and more accurate - I mean, how can veggies be "free"? They have calories in them and while it is harder to overeat on healthy foods - it is still possible to consume too many calories while eating healthy foods. I don't agree with making anything with calories "free".
  • laurastrait21
    laurastrait21 Posts: 307 Member
    About how much does weight watchers cost, on average? I'm just curious because I was telling my best friend about how I was using this site and we wanted to compare/contrast
  • DEGiltz
    DEGiltz Posts: 297 Member
    I'm doing both WW and MFP; I'm a lifetime WW member. I think WW has taught me about making good choices; I read a ton of nutrition labels and can recognize the relationship between good nutrition and their points system. I've learned not to assume that everyone understands the nutritional value of the foods they eat. I'm not so sure that this site alone can teach this information because everyone seems to be very focused on the daily calorie amounts.

    I will say this though. I love MFP. I am more connected to my MFP friends than any WW group I've belonged to and the daily support I receive from them is .... (as they say in the Master Card Commercial) PRICELESS!!!

    Do I need both ... for now, I'm going to say "yes". I know myself pretty well and I need that extra accountability of having to go get weighed in weekly to stay on track.

    I guess it's really a personal decision on how to get to where you want to be ... sharing the journey with others along the way sure makes a difference!
  • thesarahsundae
    thesarahsundae Posts: 240 Member
    Yes. Weight Watchers absolutely works. I have lost over 120 pounds following their program. That being said, I am not following their current program. That one doesn't work for me. I don't like the extra points that they give you. For me that doesn't work. But I don't look at it as a diet, but as a lifestyle change. I wouldn't be able to maintain this weight loss without it.

    Everyone is different. What works for me, may not work for you. Or the next person. If MFP is working for you, continue to use it. I joined in hopes of meeting new friends and getting support. And I have gotten just that. I am just not a calorie counting type of girl.
  • mrsskinny629
    mrsskinny629 Posts: 96 Member
    You guys are awesome, thank you for all of your responses. I think the 50 calories = 1 point is like the way they had it on the first time with points. Maybe 60 cals..I don't remember. I honestly haven't done very well on MFP. I have 2 friends: my sister who just found out she is prego and another friend who hasn't logged on in over 3 months. I don't really have a lot of accountability with MFP, partially by choice. I don't feel like I can be a good MFP friend bc I don't have a lot of time to comment or be encouraging. I don't wanna take take take and not give. I really just need to get some more support, and I guess that was why I was considering WW meetings again. I don't know if I can afford it and I am seeing the trend of people losing and regaining it on WW bc they aren't making life changes. Just working the program instead. If that makes sense. lol

    try introducing yourself in the other group..that's how i found friends!...and I'm always open for more!!
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    I lost 60lbs with WW and kept it off for 4 years without counting points. I had learned how to eat and that was enough to keep it off. 2 years ago I gained it all back after I quit smoking and a few other things in life didn't help. When I did it before I didn't pay, only bought the materials and followed the plan strictly. I'm thinking about paying this time around to see if the accountability of the meetings will help. I do honestly believe it teachers healthy way of eating.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    WW is a very good plan. Good sound nutrition - no fads, no radical eating plan. You can do the exact same thing here for free. But at WW you get the in person meeting support. Depends if you need the outside motivation or if online is sufficient.
  • VanessaMFaulkner
    I used to swear by WW but sadly once they changed their points to points plus it didn't work as well for me & I hated it. I guess everyone is different. It is great for helping you learn how to eat correctly...but so is MFP. I'm doing better with MFP & a food reminder as to snacks & meal time ;) good luck whatever you decide!
  • VanessaMFaulkner
    I forgot to say...I still eat the WW Smart Ones meals...yummy! And am easy way to log my calories
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It did not work for me. Plus, it was expensive.

    It's much easier to log actual calories than to figure out how many "points" something is worth that isn't on their list of stuff.
  • judykritikos
    It seems to me that it's the meetings and others at the meetings that make WW work. Common sense - don't eat fatty food, sugars and white flour - and ANYONE can lose weight. if you have other issues, and typically most of us who are not at our ideal weight have a problem with - then the groups work.
    If you decide AND STICK TO IT - to stop eating junk food, add more vege's and fruits, you will not be overweight. You need to add exercise - not only to lose the weight, but to get outside and work those muscles - you will lose weight.
    we gain weight by eating junk foods and sitting on our butts. For others, we eat because we're emotionally tied to those comfort foods.
    cut the tie - and you'll lose the weight.
    MFP really helps - yet some folks are helped by the group meetings. Can't say one is better than the other. whatever works for you is.... what will work for you.
  • shipwreck3
    I am following just mfp right now. It worked a lot faster than ww. I used to use the flex plan and it worked pretty well for a while but then I stalled out and got frustrated. I tried for a short while following both and saw that if I used all my points I went over on my c alories. I am currently following 1200 calorie diet...and I sometimes eat my calories I earn from exercising. I think seeing the actual calories in something is more of an impact than just seeing 3-4 points. Its easier to justify 4 points verses like 300 calories.
  • Mamao7
    Mamao7 Posts: 79
    I did WW a long time ago. points system it worked for me. I lost over 80lbs.. that was over 9 years ago my baby will be 10 in april it was after baby #3 pregnancy. I have to admit I never really understood it completly, I never ate my extra points and i kinda modified the program to fit me.. but that was 2 kids ago when i had some extra money to pay for it.. I have to admit I love MFP a whole lot better.. WW works but you have to pay and this is free. and from what i read they have changed it again.
  • Momof3PrincesandaPrincess
    I did the old WW plan and lost good on it, then had another baby (UGH two years ago) and I tried the new program and all I did was gain weight with it and I followed it to a T. I will never pay for another diet again. MFP is the best thing I have found and I also think seeing calories vrs points is so much more eye opening. You can eat crap and still be within your points, it's not so easy to do when your watching the calories. This is so much easier and best of all it's FREE!! Don't waste your money girl, stick with this.
  • simplycee
    I am doing both, I like and need the accountability of the meetings and weigh ins. It keeps me honest. Log points oWW and calories on MFP. I have lost 60 pounds since May.
  • crudd12
    I've been doing ww a year and only lost 25 pounds! I don't like the new PP program! I joined here to see if I could lose the last 25 pounds! I still go to ww to weigh in and for the meetings but I'm thinking of just doing this! It seems to be working better than the new ww plan! Good luck to you!
  • DMinCT

    HI, about the chocolate chip cookie are lucky you can remove yourself from wanting chocolate and settling for a salad is sufficiant. For some women, we are just wired to crave stuff like chocolate and a salad just wouldn't cut it. I understand your point of view - glad it works for you (you are lucky in that sense that you are a guy and guys don't have to deal with estrogen and womanly things). However, for some women, when we crave chocolate we just NEED to have it or our whole mental state is a mess. It has to do with our estrogen levels and the nuerotransmitters in our brains.