Watching What I eat

I am honestly trying to Watch what I eat. Thanks to this food database. I changed a bad decsion for dinner before i ate it. Found out that brautwarst is high in sodium.. That is actually what I am watching most of all, even more then calories. I am having problems staying away from chocolate. There was an eclair in the lunch room that was for anyone to grab and before i realised it was already eaten. Anyone have any tips to stop this in the future?


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    In the beginning only buy what's ok for you to eat, and stay away from break rooms or other places where you're likely to run into temptation. Find lower calorie alternatives to the things you crave. For chocolate I like Skinny Cow brand; it's already portioned for you so you just have to make sure and only eat one serving. One good choice at a time is the best way to go.
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    Always keep a bottled water with you. It not only flushes out sodium, it's good for you to drink and if you are holding it you can't put other food in your mouth. I always do this trick when I'm at parties with buffets. The majority of this lifestyle changes happens in your head so make sure you have convinced yourself that you are worth it. You're not depriving yourself of things that you want, you just want different things. We're here for you, too. The motivation you'll receive from MFP and logging your food and exercise is amazing and really keeps you going on days you might want to give up. :heart:
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    1. Hold yourself accountable: log everything, even if it's bad

    2. Take baby steps: cut out unnecessary things one by one, replace your favorite "unhealthy" items with more healthy items, there's no rush and there will always be room to improve.

    3. Celebrate each small victory. Pat yourself on the back for taking the stairs instead of the elevator, drinking water instead of soda, and passing up that cupcake. It all makes a difference in becoming a healthier person!

  • Erin51
    Erin51 Posts: 35
    Everyone who has answered your question has such great ideas. WE NEED TO BELIEVE WE CAN MAKE THIS CHANGE! Never mind that we are worth it. I feel like we are all worth the work, that I am personally worth it to my self and family, but I have many moments of doubt that I can actually do this. After being fat, overweight, obese or whatever you want to call it for so long, the doubt became pretty cemented in my mind. Every extra, unnecessary, unplanned bite that is taken to squelch or comfort a stressful moment is what kills my momentum. There is no rapid, permanent fix to this. It is a part of the battle that will never end. Even when our goal weights are attained because of this pattern of behavior, we will always be susceptible to backsliding. So, let's look at this as a series of small goals we reach hour by hour, day by day and feel the joy of every victory! We can do this. BELIEVE! The best to you :)
  • DenverKos
    I am honestly trying to Watch what I eat. Thanks to this food database. I changed a bad decsion for dinner before i ate it. Found out that brautwarst is high in sodium.. That is actually what I am watching most of all, even more then calories. I am having problems staying away from chocolate. There was an eclair in the lunch room that was for anyone to grab and before i realised it was already eaten. Anyone have any tips to stop this in the future?

    When I worked in an office (and there was ALWAYS food and temptation around), I would wait before taking anything. I would make a note that the tasty treat was there - how could I not! - and tell myself that if it was there after lunch, I'd eat it for an afternoon snack. I dont know, I guess I figured that if it was still there after 6 hours, then it was meant to be in my belly :) Perhaps it's silly, but our office was packed, and it was very, very rare that whatever it was would still be there by the time I went to get it. Saved me on so many occasions, as the food was almost always gone before I got to it!
  • jjpe
    jjpe Posts: 28 Member
    At work when there is food to share, I always think about how many of those people taking from that plate didn't wash their hands after going to the rest room. Or who was sick the day before or who sneezed and used their hand to cover their mouth instead of their arm. I actually worked with a guy who picked his nose...YUK. Thank God he doesn't work there anymore!! But that ALWAYS keeps me away from it. I would never tell anyone I work with that I don't eat...I just always say tell oh that looks so good.