Anyone tried Supreme 90 day workout?

Was interested in P90X but simply can't afford it. Found a similar product called Supreme 90 day workout but for $20. Reviews seem to be pretty good except for they say the workouts are too fast, many ppl had to pause the dvds to catch up. Also I was wondering if I should even attempt these workouts at 215lbs? Are they for ppl who are already slim and just need to tone or can anyone do them?


    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
    i bought it but i haven't started it. i got it at the dollar store on sale for $10.
  • paigebolling
    paigebolling Posts: 65 Member
    I seen it at my dollar store too. It was still $20 at my store though. Trying to see if its worth $20. Thats not a lot of money but then again it is if I can't use the dvds ya know? :ohwell:
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    i did day 1 yesterday and it was wayy too easy for me, i had to fast forward after my reps to get them to catch up with me. did the 2nd workout today and it was a lot harder, it's with a stability ball and i had problems doing it but it's a good workout so far, i think i need to up my weights on the chest/back dvd though.

    i've been doing and am doing jillian michaels dvds and tae bo dvds. i'm adding this one on top of the others
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    there is a girl on my mfp friends list that does it a lot. I haven't done it myself
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    It's a good program. I've completed it in September.
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    I actually preferred it to P90X. The production isn't as slick, but it's a good program of basics. I completed 2 months of it, and had measurable results ( I have ABS!! Who knew??)

    The warm up and cool down is pretty much the same for every disc, and it can get a little boring. (There is one girl on the warm ups that looks like she'd rather be ANYWHERE else and it's rather demotivating so I try to avoid looking at her.) I actually still use that warm up sequence to warm up for New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    The moves are a little fast, as some have said. You can choose to do what you can and move on, or keep the remote close so you can pause it while you finish your reps. He constantly reminds you to use a challenging's good advice. You get more out of it that way.

    I would say that any fitness level would benefit from it. He gives directions for modifications on most of the moves (not always shown, but he explains). One warning though...the swiss ball pikes are B-R-U-T-A-L!!! Make sure you aren't near anything you can get hurt on, cause you will probably tumble a time or two.

    Most of all, have fun!! Good luck!