BF% question



  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    While I think it's a fine question, I wouldn't concern yourself too much with it as it won't change your strategy to get there.

    If you look in the mirror and see a fit and beautiful person that you are quite pleased with, and you go get your bf% tested and it says 26%, would you change things? I hope not.

    For me my concern is that my BMR is going to be lower than that of a person who has less body fat and more lean muscle. I am hoping to lose weight without losing muscle as well but I know that's hard
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Last week I went and did the BodPod (on base), which is considered the "gold standard" of body fat testing.

    I'm 43 yrs old, 5'8" and 140.2 lbs

    Here are the results of my test:

    Thoracic Gas Volume - 3.159 L (no clue what that is)
    Body Density - 1.046 kg/L
    Body Volume - 60.828 L
    Body Mass - 140.206 lb
    Fat Free Mass - 108.66
    Fat Mass - 31.546
    % Fat Free Mass - 77.5
    %Fat 22.5

    My Body Fat is 22.5% - Lowest Rating of "Moderately Lean"
    My RMR is 1316 kcal/day
    TDEE is Low active 2000 kcal/day

    I'd do some reseach online and see if they have a BodPod in your area (some colleges have them) and see how much it cost, they will go over the results with you and help you find a calorie intake for your goals. I found the results invaluable, I will go back every few months to gage my progress.

    Hope that helps - Good Luck!!!!!!

    cheers, will have a look into it
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    I have calipers done every month and I have come up with 11-13% which I know is wrong because with that low BF% I would be sick ! So I just pay attention to what I am losing rather than the actual #, I have been loosing about 1% per month, and last month is was 1.5% I wanna have the BODPOD done, I think it would be really cool.