gall bladder operation



  • weber62
    I had mine removed 28 years ago. My problems with fatty foods have increased in the last couple of years. If I have something to eat that is high in fat, I will get sick to my stomach when I lie down to go to bed. Sometimes I can manage it by sleeping sitting up but if it is too bad, I will be in the bathroom losing my dinner. As far as weight is concerned, I don't think it has made a difference. My weight has gone up and down over the past 28 years, more up than down.
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    I had mine out in 1998.

    I did gain weight. My doctor told me it was because I was eating more fatty foods I previously avoided because it triggered attacks. So that may be right, even if I am not 100% sure.

    I started having acid reflux after getting it out. At first it was once a week or so, by last year I was having it several times a week. But once I started my diet here, I have yet to have acid reflux!

    And a bit disgusting, but some foods irritate my bowels. That never happened before having that out. It still happens, but I can pretty much know what will do it (usually greasy food).

    The bottom line is we are all a little different and I am sure the diet you have before ad after makes a big difference as well.
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    I had my gallbladder out by emergency a couple of months ago, that being said it went very smoothly! I did have a bit of upswing on my weight because of the swelling, also because I had to be pumped full of saline for three days due to my emergency issues. The best advice I can give is -limit your fat intake-. If you eat too much fat in a meal or in a day go have to go to the bathroom, its unpleasant. I had no issues and hope everything goes well for you!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I just had mine out in January. No problems losing weight. BUT if I eat too much fat in one day I will be having diarrhea the next morning for sure.

    Just get lots of rest. Don't bother getting out of bed the first few days. It felt like I was stabbed 3 times in the gut. Take your pain killers but know they will make you not able to poop.
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    Take your pain killers but know they will make you not able to poop.

    Oh I forgot about this, you will want to get some kind of stool softener to help. I had a terrible experience because I did not :(
  • jimshine
    jimshine Posts: 199 Member
    I didn't know what was wrong with me for the longest time. I spent many sleepless nights thinking I was dieing. One night I had an attack while on a trip. I was up all night. My buddy asked what the pain was like and he said his wife had the same problem and it was her gall bladder. I went to a doctor and that was it. It took months to wait until my small town surgeon could fit me in. It seemed like anything could trigger them, at any time.
  • megslovescountry
    i had my gallbladder out at 18 due to stones, and i'm so glad i found this thread. i thought i might be lactose intolerant because whenever i have dairy i end up becoming quite acquainted with the bathroom. i love milk and cheese, but have to really watch how much i have now. i had no idea the gallbladder effected the digestion like that.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    my grandmother had her gallbladder out...while she has some issues with spicy foods she has no issues with diary products. However, she does have issues with apple peels go figure.....and my husband they are talking about removing his due to the issues he keeps having. He has gallstones and keeps having attacks that are so bad he thinks he is having a heart attack. He doesn't even have to eat anything spicy, greasy, fatty, or dairy for it to occur. His last episode occurred after eating a banana