Do you give yourself rewards?

When I first started I said when I get to 10 pounds I can order new shows (I have an old pair of sketcher shape ups which are the best shoes I have had as far as not hurting my feet when I walk alot, but they are really worn out). I ended up ordering them online a bit early since my old ones have started to bother my feet becuase they are so worn out... although since they haven't shipped yet I may hit my goal before they get here.

I think my next one will be when I hit my first mini goal (225 lbs, which will be 30 lbs down and what my Dr. told me was my goal for the year at the appointment that first got me started on here) I will let myself get a heart rate monitor.

NOt sure what I will do after that. Does anyone else have things like this?


  • Kimmer2011
    Kimmer2011 Posts: 569 Member
    Non-food rewards are great! I got a Macy's gift card for Christmas, but I'm not going to use it until I get out of the "Obese" BMI category. That should take a few more months, so it'll be just in time for spring clothes, which I'll need.

    In the past, I've rewarded myself for walking by getting more music to put on my iPod, which encourages me to walk more!
  • loki3981
    loki3981 Posts: 249 Member
    I just rewarded myself to a new pair of sneakers since I'm down 23 from my start (not the one on here). I think its a great plan to give yourself little treats like new gear, shoes, music and the like. I also treat myself with bath products.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I reward myself for progress. My first was a facial at a local spa. I haven't put new shoes in the "reward" category as I consider them a necessity.
    My next reward will be a trip with my oldest daughter. When I reach final goal my husband and I will take a vacation; we haven't decided where yet.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I do 10% goal rewards. I will get new shoes, or music, or a pedicure, or a massage. I will generally just pick something that I will enjoy and is just for me and in no way relates to food. Every 10% that I lose I do something. I have certain milestones that allow me bigger rewards, most are something smallish, but every 25 mark (like 200, 175, 150 etc) I will do something really big!
  • woodsk67
    I do 10 pound rewards. I have a list of things I cannot buy, I need to earn.. SOme are dvd sets, using gift cards, just simple things to make me work towards a goal
  • skinnydreams165
    skinnydreams165 Posts: 101 Member
    i always set goals and when i don't lose the weight i buy them anyways. I really need to learn self control with food and money
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    Good for you! I said I was going to do rewards and yet I haven't. And I really need to reward myself with some new clothes since I'm swimming in the current ones!

    Someone once suggested some little tokens or rocks for each 5, 10 lbs or whatever so you can have a visual reminder of what you've lost. I think it's a really neat idea and I think I should do something like that!
  • Spruillie03
    Spruillie03 Posts: 155 Member
    I reward myself after every 5 pounds, and the rewards get bigger with each milestone: earrings, new outfit, massage. I haven't decided what my big reward will be for when I hit my goal.

    I'm open to suggestions :)
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    I do. Too many, lol. As long as they are not of the food variety, I tell myself its ok. As I've lost weight (90 lbs) I've gotten an entire new wardrobe. I pieced myself through the summer, but since I am within 5-7 lbs of goal weight, I really went all out for the winter stuff and intend to do the same when spring rolls around again. I got fitted and bought bras at Victoria's Secret for the first time ever - really good ones. I've had a few facials, manicures and pedicures. All for hitting certain "goals" whether they are number wise or exercise wise, or maybe just for having 5 one hour workouts in a row in a week and hitting my calorie goals daily.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Not really. I bought new clothes, which I loved, but that was really out of necessity after I dropped 2 dress sizes. Otherwise just looking and feeling better is my only reward.
  • ChrissieMills
    ChrissieMills Posts: 82 Member
    One big reward when I'm done! all inclusive in mexico!!! it will happen this year!!
  • carlypreiss
    I got a small "Cupcake Bank" (I love to bake!) for Christmas, so I've put 50 dollars in it to start me off and every pound I lose, I'm adding a dollar. When I'm at a weight that I like, I'm taking the money out and going and buying myself a new wardrobe!

    Other than that, just smaller things like after every workout I take a long, hot bath or sometimes I'll let myself have ONE chocolate if I've been good and I can fit it in to my daily calories.

    Losing weight is going to be my biggest reward in the end. :)
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I set rewards for myself, but then when I reach them it takes me weeks (or even a month!) to actually give myself the reward, and sometimes I never get around to it. I guess for me the weight loss and feeling good about myself is really enough on its own.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    yeah I do, I love all things fitness now, so I will sporadically get new workout dvds, or weights, etc. . . or clothes, or food (not ashamed to say)
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    My first reward was new clothes when I lost 10 pounds. My second reward at 25 pounds lost was a new haircut at a nice salon. My next reward when I lose another 10 pounds will be new clothes again and maybe some new shoes. My final reward at my goal weight will be another tattoo :)
  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    Every 10 pounds I would buy a new pair of skinny jeans, since they would last another 10 pounds of weight loss. :)
  • brock1978
    Heck no I don't reward myself. That kind of ME FIRST thinking is what got me to 299 lbs. in the first place. I SHOULD be 210 lbs, tops. And I'm gonna be. And I'm gonna keep putting myself down until I do.
  • cryspetstalerson
    Every 10 pounds I get a new charm for my charm bracelet. I only have one right now, but eventually it will be full.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    new shoes and clothes. mostly cuz I keep losing weight, getting smaller thus I need it. as for the shoes I jog a lot. being heavier I go through them alot quicker so I need it for the support.
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    I sure do. My first goal was a new outfit, my second was new underwear. The next one I think is going to be a massage (this is when I get into the 160's and stay there for a couple of weeks. Then when I get to 150 I hope to see about indoor skydiving, if i can afford it. I really believe in rewarding myself when I get to certain weights (because I am very much worth a reward) Losing weight is alot of work and we need to be proud of ourselves and reward ourselves for doing a great job.