Bodybugg/Body Media

Anyone have one of these? Thoughts? Good? Bad? Ugly? Just starting to look into it. Wondering if it's worth it.


  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    Well, i just sold my bodybugg. It was awesome, and I loved it but, I started looking into the fibit when it first came out and was thinking it coudln't possibly be as good. My brother in law bought a pair of them and I tested that and the bodybugg together for a week, doing all sorts of wierd stuff to see if the calorie burn count was right. The fitbit is super acurate, especially considering how tiny and unobtrusive it is. I just purchased myself a fitbit yesterday as to not have to pay the subscription fee. And the bugg needs plugging in to upload where as the fitbit can be uploaded just by walking aby the computer. If you wanna give me a ring, i can explain everything in detail for you to help you out. They are both great options and I lost alot of weight and learned alot with the bodybugg but, i think the fitbit is the right option for this point in my life.
  • amcmillan730
    amcmillan730 Posts: 591 Member
    How much is the bodybugg subscription?
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    You get one with the purchase and then its i think around $10 month give or take, depending on how long you buy at once. you can cehck at their website, they run specials sometimes. The bugg needs charging every few days and uploading too. The sp that works wtih your smart phone sucks. It dosen't work too well and I found it was a stupid feature. And I upgraded to get it and paid more figuring i wouldn't have to plug it in so often. I was soooooooooooooo wrong, lol. It is a great tool. The food log sucks over there so i used to log my calories on mfp and then copy my days totals over to the bb to enjoy the graphing and such.