looking for buddies



  • sahrak1
    sahrak1 Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome to MFP everyone , ive been on about a month now and ive really benifitted from all of the support from the amazing ppl on MFP , feel free to add me , hopefully we can all motivate each other xx
  • I'm restarting as of December! I need all the hlep and buddies I can get!
  • why wait till jan 1 start now. i dont have any friends in the forum either if you want to look out for one another i am game
  • Me too! I just joined (3 days ago!!) and decided to write down every last thing that went into my mouth despite the fact that it's a "holiday" week and I'm not really being careful - just to see how poor my food choices really are (when did I have that 3rd cookie? i don't remember it....)

    On Sunday, it's ON!
  • denice0414
    denice0414 Posts: 40 Member
    Feel free to add me, we all need help and support!!
  • I am in the same boat! I had lost over 30 pounds and gained back over 20. I started new (including this new account) and have lost 4 pounds this week, so I am very happy. Hoping this time I will not fall off and meet my goal!!!
  • wdruker
    wdruker Posts: 77 Member
    I am back, but this time looking to lose at least 25 - 30 lbs. I'm looking for someone to help me keep on track before I give up. I don't seem to lose weight easily. Maybe since I have more to lose now it will be easier. That's what I've heard. I don't like to exercise and I want instant results which doesn't happen. I love food, which is a problem. I am hoping to reach my goal my June when my in-laws are having a huge family reunion in Hawaii. I will be meeting people for the first time and don't want my husband to be embarrassed by the amount of weight I've gained since we've been married.
  • Hello! Also looking for a few buddies! Been using the site and iPhone app for just under 3 months and have lost 17lbs, although starting to slightly lose motivaton without mutural support!
  • LuciBry
    LuciBry Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone! I just joined Tuesday 12/26 and have lost 0.8lbs so far this week. I am looking for some buddies to keep me on track to reach all my fitness goals. Have a great 2012!!!!!
  • happymom92092
    happymom92092 Posts: 17 Member
    I need some motivating buddies, too. I have been working on better food choices for over a year now, but it's finding time for the exercise thing (forgive my excuse there). It works so much better when you have encouragement and can help support others.

    Count me in!
  • karlaann4
    karlaann4 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi... Let's do this already! I can always use motivation. I am a positive person and I like to read inspiring quotes and such. My last read was by Anthony Robbins; Personal Power. This guy can motivate anyone to do anything. I just got it free from the library. There is a lot of free literature out there for us to help inspire one another! Feel free to be friends with me :)
  • jaq36jaq
    jaq36jaq Posts: 6 Member
    feel free to add me - I posted something before Christmas asking for support as I have got stuck, but had no response - so I could do with some encouragement!
    I started in September, lost almost a stone and then got really stuck and started eating all the wrong things again!!
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm always looking for people to keep me motivated!
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    Anyone, feel free to add me too! :))
  • Hi I am new to this whole thing and I really need people in the same boat who can help to motivate me and I can do the same for them :0) so lets be friends and all get healthy together!
  • Hello everyone, I just joined and am looking for friends as well. Feel free to add me :-)
  • well i am finally taking this seriouly! i would love some help or support...i have no friends on here yet lol but i plan on trying my best to do what i have planned and also keep in contact with any one who helps me along the way so i may help them also!!!
  • cndrlla
    cndrlla Posts: 139 Member
    I just joined, and I need all the support I can get. lol Honestly, interacting with others who share the same goals is very helpful to me, and I hope to others as well. I will add you, and do my best to keep you motivated. Anyone else, please feel free to add me as well. One can never have too many friends. :)
  • jtortuga
    jtortuga Posts: 3 Member
    I just joined a couple days ago and am in need of MOTIVATORS!!! Who is in?
  • ashaniecc
    ashaniecc Posts: 2 Member
    iam looking for buddies too the same thing happend to me i had already lost 8 pounds and now i gain 10 need help i want to loose weight and its so hard :(