Running in New Year's to May Challenge

:bigsmile:***18 Week - CHALLENGE***:bigsmile:

:glasses:1. Run/Jog/Walk/Skip/Dance/etc. 1 mile everyday
:noway: 2. Complete at least 25 minutes of exercise everyday
:drinker:3. Drink 8 cups of Water everyday
:love:4. Eat at least 1 fruit/vegetable everyday
:happy: 5. Stretch every morning
:heart: 6. Say at least 1 positive statement about yourself in the mirror everyday
:wink: 7. Weigh-In every Sunday

Sounds simple enough right? Then let's do it!

Sign-up by clicking on the link below and filling out the information.

I will also be creating a Forum (on google docs) January 1, 2012 which I will post a link to here.

Be Ready To Give Everything You Have. Don't Look Back. Look Forward and See Who You Truly Are.