First time posting

I have tracked on this site on and off over the last year. I have never posted though and joined the community. I think that this is what I need to do to stick with it. I am active and have run a marathon each year for 2 years now, but continue to gain weight. I would like to lose 20 lbs before I run my next marathon and need some help to do it. When I run long distances, it gives me the OK to eat whatever I want and I know this does not work. I would love any words of encouragement I can get and I think I need some people to be accountable to other than myself. Help!!!!


  • MuffRuff
    MuffRuff Posts: 238 Member
    Hey! I joined this site a short while ago. You run? That's great. I am more of a short distance runner than a long distance runner. I would not worry too much about my weight if I were you. I would worry more about my inches. Like you, I do have a problem with my weight. It seems as if my weight stays the same for long periods of time. What I do when I want to eat something that I know I should not I either find a healthier alternative or do not eat so many unhealthy things so that I can have my treat. You should use a food journal and see what you can do without and how you are eating. After you go so long without something you probably will not crave for it as much.
  • traintk
    Thanks for the tips. I am hoping that when I start ramping up the long miles this time around, I can stay away from all the quickie carbs. I definitely need something to be accountable to. My willpower has sucked lately.