For those of you who work out at home with DVDS....

Can you recommend your favorites? I need some new ones to prevent boredom and slacking off. Im determined that 2012 will be my flat belly year :-)


  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Anything Jillian michaels. Ive done ripped in 30, 30 day shred, and yoga meltdown. I can't afford a gym membership and my little boy only takes short naps so the 30 minute workouts are perfect for me! I'm borrowing p90x from a friend now and in week two and its tough but so far I love it!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I love Jillians DVDs. My favorite is No More Trouble Zones! My brother keeps saying he's gonna loan me his P90x but Im sure I'll be applying for social security by the time he gets around to that :-)
  • kmillers
    kmillers Posts: 144 Member
    Turbo Fire and Chalene Extreme. Chalene has a way of working your abs without sit ups. I have never had a flat stomach but it is getting there. ( Just a couple more pounds of fat to lose. ) The workouts are tough but a lot of fun. After a year, I am ready to change but it took a year to get bored. That is saying something
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    My friend offered to loan me her Turbofire maybe I'll take her up on that, thanks!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Jillian Michels is good, if you want to target your abs maybe 6 week 6 pack is the one for you?
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    I love Power 90 and Rev Abs. Power 90 came before P90X and is a lot less intense. I am currently on day 61 of Rev Abs, and with the help of MFP and cutting out the beer, I have dropped 15 lbs. These are my 2 favs.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Im not a big fan of them but despite that fact i have quite a few DVDs and i defo recomend "Clubland-The workout of ur life". Its mainly dancing and its rly fun so u don't always feel like ur working out just cause ur having fun but burning cals at the same time.
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Im not a big fan of them but despite that fact i have quite a few DVDs and i defo recomend "Clubland-The workout of ur life". Its mainly dancing and its rly fun so u don't always feel like ur working out just cause ur having fun but burning cals at the same time.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I like Slim in 6/ Slim series. I am too uncoordinated to do anything with dance/aerobic moves.
  • AmandaCaswell1982
    AmandaCaswell1982 Posts: 170 Member
    I like Slim in 6/ Slim series. I am too uncoordinated to do anything with dance/aerobic moves.

    Guess I like it so much, I decided to post it twice! ;)
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Jillian is great but P90X rocks my world!!
  • mrsdstarks
    Hi...I do a lot of mixing up but try to stay consistent with a day of sculpting and the day after that cardio. I use:

    Biggest Loser Cardio Max
    Biggest Lower Power Sculpt
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred
    Sweating in the Spirit
    Zumba cardio and sculpt
    and I also download videos from (they have a bunch of freebies)
  • MissMisery1313
    Cathe Friedrich
    The Firm
    Jari Love
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I love TurboFire!! Chalene Extreme also is fantastic. For xmas, i got Hip Hop Hustle Fan Favorite 1, which is also a Chalene Johnson workout from Powder Blue productions and that was a lot of fun, like a dance class, not a cardio workout.

    For fun i mix it up with Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Body. I will be starting Insanity in a week, I have one week left of Chalene Extreme.

    I advice getting different workouts and keep mixing it up to combat boredom. One way is to try them from Netflix (like Jari Love she is awesome) or check out your library.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Yeah I mix it up as much as possible. I never thought to check out the library, good suggestion thanks
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    I love Turbo Jam/ Turbo Fire and Jillian Michael's Shred and No More Trouble Zones.. Also Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga is a nice one for "off days"..

    I find Chalene is a happy break from Jillian who is... good but kinda mean! :)
  • MissMisery1313
    Can you recommend your favorites? I need some new ones to prevent boredom and slacking off.

    You can look on They have a selection of over 900 fitness videos, descriptions of the content and what equipment you will need (if any), user reviews, and video clips.
  • metisgirl
    metisgirl Posts: 86 Member
    Hip Hop ABS....Belly dancing works great on the ABS, too
  • ritaslater
    ritaslater Posts: 3 Member
    I love the gym, but when I work out at home I use Jillian Micheals or workouts "For Dummies"

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    Abs start in the kitchen (no sexism). Just working your abdominals isn't going to get you a 6 pack, focus more on compound movements. These demands more muscle activation, and thus a higher calorie burn than crunches. If you are determined to stay at home try some thrusters, burbees, bent rows, and push ups. Notice how i had no ab work in there? that is because you will burn more calories doing just 1 of those than isolating your abs.