don't really cook any ideas

i don't really cook need some convience ideas


  • mheightchew
    Yeah, me either....I hate to cook!!!!! I do a lot of salads because they are so easy to switch up. I have been trying to eat cleaner (not going well) but I love the lean cuisiness steamers that come in a bag. I like things that are easy to calculate. I'm interested in seeing everyone else's responses!
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    Simple, easy, yummy lunches:
    3 pieces toasted aunt millies whole grain light bread
    Fresh baby spinach and romaine
    Thin sliced tomatoes
    Laughing cow lighttt wedge, your flavor
    210 cals, very filling

    Light flat out bread
    Fat free straw cream cheese
    Put cream cheese on bread, lay the rest out on it and have a delicious wrap for under 200 cals

    Brown rice
    Steamed veggies
    300 cals

    Chicken, with veggies and rice 300
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Marinade chicken in Italian salad dressing (or other marinade) and bake. Very easy. Serve it over a spinach salad or with some steamed vegetables.
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    the crockpot is the best inventions!
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    Marinade chicken in Italian salad dressing (or other marinade) and bake. Very easy. Serve it over a spinach salad or with some steamed vegetables.

    This is also good as a wrap!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    learn to cook! :laugh:
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I stir fry stuff. It's not really like cooking. I put lemon juice and low sodium soy sauce and fat fee Italian dressing in a pan, then throw in chopped up veggies (onion, sprouts, peppers, mushrooms etc.) And use a wooden spoon to push it around the pan until the veggies look a little soft. Then eat them. Not real cooking, but tasty. I often buy pre cooked meat like chicken or shrimp and throw that in. Taste ike cooking but is just warming up someone else's cooking.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Raw veggies, not just salad, but all sorts of veggies, for example: broccoli, tomatoes, jicama, kahlrobi, cucumbers, bell peppers. Avoid dipping veggies in normal salad dressing, but you can substitute healthier things like hummus (somewhat high in fat, but also has protein and fiber). Some people find hummus takes some getting used to, it may help to try different types. My husband who is not a huge hummus fan really likes edamame hummus.

    Healthy sandwiches.

    Frozen vegetables + jarred spaghetti sauce. Microwave the veggies, then toss the pasta sauce in towards the end. You can also put in a little pre-cooked pasta or rice. This was my go-to lunch for a long time, before I started trying to eat more raw stuff.

    Oatmeal with fruit, it's not just for breakfast.

    A microwaved sweet potato, paired with raw or (microwave) steamed veggies.

    Also, a meal doesn't have to be made up of a few things, a lot of different things can be good. A few raw almonds, an apple, raw veggies, and some brown rice or wheat toast. If you eat meat you could also eat a little meat.

    I think that if you're trying to balance convenience and health, frozen veggies are a good resource. They're easy, and have a longer shelf life than fresh, but are still nutritious. Just don't get the ones in cheese or butter sauce.

    Also, I like to pre-cook and freeze things in batches. I tend to do things like rice, and quinoa, but you could do this with meat too. If you cook the items unseasoned, you can pair them with different items so they don't get boring.
  • 226Muriel
    226Muriel Posts: 137 Member
    Maybe your 2012 resolution is to learn to cook clean....
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Options's some ideas about 400-500 calories each

    1/2 can of black beans
    mix with 1 microwaveable brown rice bowl
    top with 1 oz mozzarella cheese
    serve with veggies

    1 bag steamable veggies
    1 brown rice bowl
    low sodium soy sauce
    stir fried with 1 egg in a pan

    "baked" potato (in the microwave)
    topped with steamed broccoli
    1 oz cheese
    grilled chicken/rotisserie chicken

    bowl of oatmeal
    cooked in skim milk
    stir in 1 tbsp pb
    1 oz nuts on top

    ww tortilla
    1/2 cup black beans
    1 oz cheese
    (roll it all up--burrito)

    rotisserie chicken
    whole wheat roll
    marinara sauce
    1 oz mozz cheese
    (heat it up--healthy/tasty sandwich)

    tortellini in refrigerator section
    chicken strips
    steamed broccoli
    1/4 cup alfredo sauce
    (heat it all up together--tortellini might need boiling for 5 minutes)

    1 bag steamable veggies
    w/ lunch/deli meat chopped up and added to it
    topped w/ 1 oz cheese
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    learn to cook! :laugh:

    That too. Even easy things, like sauteed greens with garlic, yummy and fast.
  • lizlikewoah
    lizlikewoah Posts: 8 Member
    these are great! THANKS!
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    learn to cook! :laugh:

    ^^ THIS
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    George Forman Grill---Salmon fillets, chicken breasts, either can be put on a salad
    sandwiches--lots of variety in breads, sauces/dips (use half a serving size), add spinach, lettuce, tomato etc
    soup is easy averything goes in one pot stir cook on low heat. Look online for recipes and add the things you like to eat.
    Have fun!