Newbie saying hello

That's pretty much it! Started a couple days ago and hoping to keep it up when I return to work. Looking for support & accountability. I like the site's approach it IS all about the calories, people!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful new year!


  • bubs56
    I just started yesterday and realized I take in under 1000 calories a day and should be taking in 1200. I feel like I eat too much as it is thus I have days I don't eat at all. So this is a totally new concept to me and should prove to be interesting as I have over 100 lbs to loose. Need all the help and support I can get. Thanks:blushing:
  • xbetterbesocialx
    Welcome! I'm fairly new here and accountability is a necessity for me too :-) Good can do it!
  • dante8858
    Yup we all need to help each other out! We will be more sucessful and reach those weight loss goals together!
  • bigtwagner
    Welcome! Add me if you'd like and good luck on your journey!