Diet Pills/ Fat Burners?

How do you guys feel about diet pills?

Here is my thing.... I've done the diet pill/fat burner thing before and have lost a TON of weight, but I've always gained it back almost immediately after getting off of the pills! HOWEVER, I've never actually combined those pills with proper diet and exercise. Do you think that makes a difference?


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Have you considered proper diet and excersize with out the diet waste of money?
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    I acutally have a super intense workout routine and my diet is not horrible - well, it could definitely be better. But I stay under my calories... I was just wanting some input on fat burners?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I acutally have a super intense workout routine and my diet is not horrible - well, it could definitely be better. But I stay under my calories... I was just wanting some input on fat burners?

    Get your diet in check first, no pill is going to solve a bad diet. The majority of diet pills on the market don't do all that much and all carry inherent risks to them. Even some of the best "fat burners" will only boost your metabolism by a small bit
  • DottieNewton
    DottieNewton Posts: 112 Member
    I have never personally found a fat burner /diet pill that helped in any way except give me hot flashes and heart palpations and a dizzy head. Have you ever seen/tried any that do not say with a proper diet and exercise?? You will lose weight with proper diet and exercise without all that junk.
  • I think stimulant-based fat burners have their place in dieting in getting rid of those last few stubborn pounds of fat.

    Nonetheless, it shouldn't be a primary concern for anybody unless they are gearing up to lose that last 1%-2% bf. A lot of the diet pills are a waste of money anyway.

    I have had good success with green tea extract and green tea in general, as it has numerous other health benefits and would strongly recommend it
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I personally stay away from them. I tried Oxy Elite Pro for a week and all it did was make me jittery and then I crashed when it was time to take another.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    when I first started seriously trying to lose I was struggling to manage 30 mins of exercise and i heard it needed to be over this to start burning fat, but if you exercise first thing in morning you wake up in fat burning mode'.. i took capsiplex to give me energy to be able to exercise longer and use to get up around 5am.

    instead of struggling to do 30 mins I managed 2 hours on capsiplex and at first sweated loads and got a really good burn but I was overweight, it did help for first few months to build up my exercise time and I can now exercise on my own for 1-2 hours and burn 600-800 cals without them.

    I did find after a while they didn't seem to be working as well but as i was low carb/wheat free and still exercising I haven't put any of the weight back on and still loosing.

    I noticed all these diet pills mention diet and exercise as well so they can't work that well on their own and its probably the diet & exercise that is actually make you lose weight, but for me it did give me the energy to build up the amount of time I could manage to exercise for , so my fitness levels did improve.

    I'm more pleased that I can now do the exercises without any extra help for energy.. I wondered if I have a mild wheat intolerance as I have loads more energy now I don't have lots of wheat daily and enjoy my exercise sessions now.