Tattoo art...



  • nomena
    nomena Posts: 165
    I have 'for my brother' tattooed on my foot for my best friend who's been more like family to me than my biological family has. It's based on the Blue October song by the same name.
  • I have an eagle wrapped in an American Flag on my left shoulder.
  • I love tattoos and I have three! On my right wrist I have music notes because I love music... On my left wrist I have the Transformers Autobots logo because I have always been a fan of of them from the comics to the movies! And on my left ankle I have Minnie <3s Mickey because I am a huge fan of Disney!!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    i have 3 -

    - stars and swirls on my right wrist
    - hot pink butterfly at the top of my back
    - little swirly pattern on the side of my left hand.
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    I have seven ...
    tiny Woodstock (Peanuts character) on my right upper shoulder
    Tinkerbell on my right upper arm
    Large Dragon with other Japanese art extends from my lower left back across my waste and up my left rib cage to just under my breast ... it is a work in progress and means more to me than any of my others and is also very beautifully positioned :)
    Lavender orchid with smoke and Japanese kanji for woman and mother across pelvis expands from hip to hip.
    hummingbird on left upper thigh
    small strand of ivy on right inner ankle (my daughters name is Ivy)
    Japanese kanji for friendship and loyalty on top right foot

    I agree, I love the art of tattoo :)

    wowzers!! I love the sound of your bigger pieces. I'm looking to get a big side/rib piece (in a similar style to my pic) that I can expand out in a similar way to what you have done. One day hopefully it will reach a half sleave and take up most of my back.
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    I already have 3

    1st is a dove with stars and psalm 116:15 in between my hip bone and belly button - in memory of family lost
    2nd is a fantasy star on the inside of my ankle - for no reason really just loved the design
    3rd if the Goonies skull and cross swords on my wrist - this was to remind me to keep pushing on and since I was born in the 80's the Goonies is one of my favourite films of all time
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    I have one on my back that means inner strength and transformation. I'm not sure if ill get another one but if I do it will be near my bikini line
  • lalaloserpants
    lalaloserpants Posts: 32 Member
    I only have 2 so far
    I got the symbol for infinity on my left forearm, that was my first. I was 15
    I got a bass clef treble clef heart on the left side of my chest, my second from when I was 16
    I want another one before my 18th birthday in march...but dad put his foot down and said no :(
    so now I have to wait til my 18th, 78 days to go....not that I'm counting or anything lol
  • jferris91
    jferris91 Posts: 271 Member
    I have a Cross with wings on my right let with the word Protect thy family between the two wings and the cross. I have a picture of it in my pictures on my profile
  • anshaw03
    anshaw03 Posts: 22 Member
    I have a phoenix on the curve of my left hipbone. It starts as yellow at the bottom and blends into a deep purple red. I love it!
  • souperficial
    souperficial Posts: 122 Member
    I don't have any yet, but as soon as I graduate college, or at least get my bachelor's, I'll be getting a cricket on my shoulder. It's kind of a reference to the fact that Say Anything is my favorite band and the fact that I'm the person that all of my friends go to for advice.
  • I don't have any yet, but I know 3 that I want.

    1. A faery, I'm in the process of designing it. It's based off an ornament that my grandmother gave my when I was really young -- I've been collecting faery ornaments and decor for nearly 17 years.
    2. A pyramid, or an ankh, something Egyptian, for my Mum. She's always been obsessed with Egypt for as long as I can remember, and I love Egypt too.
    3. The Slytherin coat of arms (S with a snake). I've been a Harry Potter fan since forever, and the "Official" Sorting Hat (the one on pottermore) sorted me into Slytherin -- that is, I feel, the definitive "I am a Slytherin" last word on the matter. I've also considered getting a Dark Mark, but overall it stands for things I don't agree with, so I won't.
  • busterbluth
    busterbluth Posts: 115 Member
    I have too many to keep track of now.

    If I had it to do over again, I'd be more heavily SECRETLY tattooed: not because I don't like them, but because I don't like the attention I get from strangers (especially random weird guys).

    Flickr set of my tattoos:
  • I love tattoos but don't agree with getting tattoos for the sake of it..
    I had my first tattoo on my 18th birthday which is a big piece which begins on my right thigh and ends by my belly botton..

    My tattoo is of two black and grey roses one fully open (representing my step dad) a closed rose (representing my little brother) and a orange and red butterfly sat on top of the roses which represents my mother. I was questioned so much about my ink during the summer and also by my tattooist but the roses are black and grey in order to make the butterfly stand out as my mother is a god to everyone within my house hold :)

    Currently waiting to get enough money to get a peacock feather quill o
    n the back of my neck which is writting 'There are lots of things to think about, but nothing to worry about' this saying made a big impact on me when i first heard it and i think its a great quote to live by...
  • mixtapemusings
    mixtapemusings Posts: 36 Member
    I have 4..working on a sleeve.

    *Black broken heart on my shoulder blade-it's the logo for the band the Bouncing Souls and it symbolizes that you're a hopeless romantic.

    *Old style microphone with stars and black roses surrounding it on my upper right arm-I'm a singer and the roses are symbolic of a song lyric I like, 'my love is a black rose'

    *Dagger with the number 13 in it -$13 tattoos on Friday the 13th from a few years ago.

    *My forearm is covered with black bats flying towards the moon in a purple sky-the bats are artwork from Tim Burton's the Nightmare Before Christmas.
  • _Aimée_
    _Aimée_ Posts: 190
    I got this done when I was 17 and 18 so its been a looong time now. I' getting another on monday hopefully yippee!! It will be a lotus flower with art neuveau style banding going underneath it around my forarm a little way up from my wrist.

  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Dont have any, not partial really either way. I think a woman can look goregeous with one and without
  • There are times when tattoos on women can be attractive and then there are other times. In my opinion it's usually the other times that prevail. Think carefully would be my advice and picture yourself when you're older - will that tattoo still look cool or will I regret it. Just sayin.