21 yr old who needs some MFP support!

Hi everyone,

I am 21 and just getting back on the wagon for being healthy. My ultimate goals are to just be fit, however at the moment I am trying to lose 10-15 pounds. Nothing major, but my motivation levels are low. I need some of you inspiring people to keep me in check :)

Right now I am into day 4 of my 30DS and am trying to get back into running, I am also considering joining a yoga studio for the new year. I always come back to MFP and this time I want to do it right. Sooo if anyone has any similar fitness goals or interests please add me as a friend!


  • greenhumanclay
    greenhumanclay Posts: 402 Member
    Hey welcome back,

    I too have a final goal of being fit and continue to improve over the years, i started with C25K if you haven't heard of it google it thats what helped me start running, i also do yoga and have been interested in starting a 30 DS sometime next month since it seems like a lot of people have success with that program and lose several inches. I also have about 8ish pounds Id like to lose but have been stuck at my weight for weeks now, good luck on your journey once again and I know what you mean about gaining a couple pounds and it looking like 10 lbs Im also 5 feet even and it SUCKS lol!! :bigsmile:
  • jrsey86
    jrsey86 Posts: 186 Member
    Welcome back! I'm pretty much in the same place: trying to get back into MFP and back to eating healthy. I have goals to finish my first 5k in 2012, so I'll be working towards that. I also do the Couch to 5k program as mentioned above. I did it for about 3 weeks until my work hours increased and I fell out of the habit. It's a very good, gradual program that leaves you feeling like you had a great workout while building your endurance. I'd definitely recommend it - I'm going to be working on that again soon!
  • xbetterbesocialx
    Welcome back! I love yoga...I haven't done it too much recently, but when I had more time I did it quite a bit. Always felt great after a workout! I'm working towards losing about 35 more pounds...like you, motivation levels are slightly low at the moment. Keep working towards your goal, though...you can do it!