Arm, Leg, Core and Total Body Strength Workouts

Hey there!

I'm currently trying to put together a few different workouts to do that will build muscle, but also keep my heart rate relatively high, so that I can also burn fat.

Right now I have an elliptical, a set of dumbbells (I believe they're 3, 5, 8), an 8lb kettlebell, a yoga mat, a 65cm pilates ball, pilates resistance bands and a rowing cable thing (basically resistance bands with handles and a flat foot base).

I know the basic kettlebell swing, goblet squats, lunges, wall sits, crunches, oblique crunches, ect, but I'm looking for some new moves to put together into an intense, 20-30 minute routine to target the three different muscle groups.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be thrilled to hear them! I'm up for ANYTHING, from yoga poses to strongman type moves.


  • jwalker30
    Perhaps try doing some multi-joint exercises (they work multiple muscles, and tend to produce better results than isolation exercises). Below is a simple workout, but it will hit every muscle you have. Give yourself at least 1 day of rest before doing it again or any other strength training. You can do Cardio on off days. After doing this workout for 3 months you will need to find another workout because your body will get too used to it. It is supposed to be difficult, but I think it will help you accomplish your goals :)

    Given you equipment & goal of burning fat & building muscle, I think the following would be a good workout.
    Do Zero Rest Between Sets. After doing the 4 exercises rest 1-2 minutes, then go through the 4 exercises again. If done right you should go through the circuit about 4 to 5 times.

    Squats = 15 - 20 reps
    Pushups = 15 - 20 reps
    Cable row = 15 - 20 reps
    Lunges = 15 - 20 reps

    Depending on your fitness level this may be easy or really difficult. If its really difficult work your way into it by allowing more rest time between circuits & lowing the reps count, but challenge yourself. If its easy only do 1 minutes of rest between circuit and increase the reps.
  • carlypreiss
    Thanks! Squats and rows are easy, lunges and pushups are eugh. I'll add some resistance to the easier ones.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Buy yourself a subscription to Oxygen Magazine! It's like $20 for a year and there are always great workouts in there that you can do at home. Right now there's an special issue on the stands called Fat Loss (by Oxygen) which I bought last year that helt to catapult me forward on this journey!
  • jwalker30
    Good to hear the squats & rows are the easy part.

    Where I think you will find the challenge is moving imediately to next exercise without rest. The first circuit should be a lot easier than the last. I think your heart will beat really hard by the last set. If you try this out, I'd love to hear the results.
  • ricanstace
    You could try 30 day shred, or ripped in 30. Both are about 30 min, and do most of your body. I did both and loved the intensity, and that it wad only 30 min.
  • carlypreiss
    Good to hear the squats & rows are the easy part.

    Where I think you will find the challenge is moving imediately to next exercise without rest. The first circuit should be a lot easier than the last. I think your heart will beat really hard by the last set. If you try this out, I'd love to hear the results.

    I'll definitely try it and let you know!

    You could try 30 day shred, or ripped in 30. Both are about 30 min, and do most of your body. I did both and loved the intensity, and that it wad only 30 min.

    I have the P90X videos, plus access to 30DS and R30, but I'll be using those to supplement my workouts. I'm looking for some things that I can do almost anywhere in the house, in a small area but which will still be beneficial. Plus I can't be bothered to follow a program like that where I'll freak out if I miss a day. I'll definitely look into the two though, for days where I need someone to yell at me! Thanks!
  • flattummyplease
    So what you want is a cardio workout that builds muscle. I have a lot of workouts here
    Hope you find what's right for you!
    (I have links to the 30 day stred, P90x, and insainty)