What are some things i can eat for BREAKFAST?

Hi guys, okay i always get stuck and confused what i should be eating for breakfast, most of the time i just skip it because i dont know what i can eat or cook. I dont really want to eat veggies for breakfast because that just gets sicking or bread...

any ideas, suggestion would be great thanks.


  • Ashleysh22
    You could try shakeology. That is what I have for breakfast 75% of the time. It gets you all the nutrients from vegetables but tastes like a chocolate milkshake :)

    Message me if you want more info!
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    i have a yogurt and then either a low cal cereal bar, oatmeal, or cream of wheat.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I have eaten Steel Cut Oats for so long. They fill me up and I absolutley love the taste. I eat mine with white sugar and fat free milk. I cook up a double recipe and keep them in a sealed container. Then all I have to do is micro for a great breakfast. I like mine cooked to the point where they are a little chewy.

    I have never been much for typical breakfast foods to sometimes if I want something different I will have a can of low salt progresso soup.
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    I eat oatmeal or yogurt and granola - keeps me full until lunch
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    feel free to look at my diary. warning, sometimes I eat things like leftover teriyaki chicken kebabs for breakfast...or like today, soup. i eat what I want when I want it :)
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    oatmeal, cheerios, eggs & whole grain toast, greek yogurt.....lots of yummy things for breakfast. Add egg whites to your whole egg to add protein with little fat (lower calories).
  • oamber0
    a good breakfast (I hear) should be 1 carb paired with 1 protien. When you add the two together they give you a kickstart for the morning. Some ideas are:

    -hardboiled egg with fruit/toast/cereal/oatmeal

    -turkey bacon (or something similar) on toast.

    -Tuna and crackers with a fruit, or maybe some yogurt
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I usually make some kind of a shake - protein shake with almond milk, or frozen fruit with coconut milk. So yummy and easy! (Works amazing if you have a magic bullet - you can just take it with you.)

    Other days I make eggs - but if you want something on the go try boiling them ahead of time so you can just grab a few on your way out! Also - a greek yogurt, piece of fruit with almonds, banana with almond/peanut butter... there are lots of healthy options!
  • Rodgers2008
    Yogurt is good...Try Quaker Life cereal to...it's low calories and taste good!
  • harleenarang
    harleenarang Posts: 174 Member
    I enjoy toasted bread (2 or 3 slices of the Healthy 35 calorie bread) with egg white omellete (add green onions, 1 green chilli and finely chopped ginger) plus tea on the side (You can have coffee too). Its healthy and keeps you full for longer time and your first dose of proteins too :smile:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Special K Protein Plus cereal is really good & obviously quick and easy.

    Quaker instant oatmeal has a million flavors that you can make in 2 minutes.

    I wouldn't advise vegetables (that does sound bad early in the morning, like you said) but fruits are good. Bananas, grapefruits, an apple, etc.

    Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage patties really taste delicious and are only 120 calories for 2 patties. I usually have that and 6 oz blueberry yogurt with milk. It gets old sometimes but it fills me up!

    If nothing else, Carnation Instant Breakfast powder mixed with milk is about as quick as it gets plus it gives you lots of vitamins & minerals. The chocolate powder tastes pretty good to me.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    You don't need to eat breakfast if you don't feel hungry. You can also eat whatever you want, have a steak and salad if you want :)
  • Hola723
    Hola723 Posts: 159 Member
    Sausage, egg, and cheese Lean Pockets are my usual breakfast. Yummy, filling, and something about them being hot satisfies me more than a cold breakfast like cereal or yogurt. I heat one up while I am putting on my socks and shoes and eat it on my way to work.
  • buckaroos30
    buckaroos30 Posts: 127 Member
    there are so many chocies for breakfast I switch it up everyday, but I eat oatmeal, and whole grain breads, 100 cal bagels with spray buuter or natural peanut butter,yogurts,fruits,eggs, mix it up and enjoy.
  • carlypreiss
    I make an omelette with 1/2 cup egg whites, some peppers, mushrooms, jalepenos (They seriously taste great in the egg, you don't even feel like you're eating veggies!) and then about 50 calories worth of any kind of cheese you like (I use babybel light), plus an Astro zero yogurt with 1/4cup of cornflakes on top. It's filling and it's only about 180 calories.
  • bigtwagner
    Eggs and coffee or a protein shake. Even if I'm not hungry I still drink a protein shake it helps get me moving. Plus lots of coffee
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Oat Meal! It keeps you full for a long time. I like mine with a little bit of sweetener and a dash or two of cinnamon. If you want some fruit with it just mince an apple and add it. The apple cinnamon flavor in the oatmeal tastes AWESOME!

    Another good one is Egg Whites. I love egg white omelets. Or even just hard boiled eggs (I toss out the yolks as they are high in cals and cholesterol).
  • Acatlett77
    I eat Special K vanilla almond cereal & half a grapefruit or oatmeal with half a grapefruit. I'm usually busy until lunch so I don't ever get hungry. Other than that I used to eat an egg white omelet with spinach leaves, mozzarella & fresh mushrooms. Its really yummy!
  • h0m36r0wn
    Steel cut or old fashioned oatmeal (no instant!!) cooked with 2/3 water 1/3 2% or less milk - keeps me full most of the morning. Sometimes a couple of eggs cooked with minimal oil in the microwave. Or an apple and small bowl of cereal - Cheerios... also love an occasional bran muffin without raisins when I can get them.
  • daisynsunshine
    I eat turkey bacon alot. butterball only has 25 cals a slice, so I get 2 slices with whole grain toast or whole grain waffles. I change it up every day. Oatmeal, egg on whole grain and light mayo, turkey bacon with whole grain waffles, strawberry jello and cottage cheese, I love pomeagranite juice but it comsumes a lot of cals so I only take half the serving and I add a fruit to every morning. You can also get some yummy weight watchers egg muffins or have healthy banana bread. I get alot of ideas of skinnytaste.com. Skipping breakfast will cause you to over eat later and have cravings.I also like 1 pack of grits and jelly. Sometimes I make fatfree cheese toast. I could go on forever on breakfast. Its my favorite meal of the day. try Ihops fit and light oat pancakes with turkey bacon sometime. I treat myself to half the plate( my little ones get the other half) on Saturdays!