hi newbie here!

Hi, I just started on my journey to lose weight and get fit for the new year (just like hundreds of others) yesterday.
What are some tips/advice for a beginner? I don't have access to a gym, just home with 5lb hand weights.
I have no history of exercising/dieting.

also, what are some exercises for the whole body/arms/legs/abs/butt?
and dieting?
and anything to help me with my journey?
and I'm not a runner at all :(


  • opoopz
    opoopz Posts: 6 Member
    Still kind of in a rut/stuck although I just started :(
    I think I need some more support/motivation to help me get started. Really want to change! thanks!
  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    You don't have to run. I've heard that running a mile and walking a mile burn equal amounts of calories, just takes longer. For a full body exercise I love stationary rowing, but I guess that won't work if you don't have the equipment. I'm not much of a dieter either, but I love the tools here for just watching what I'm consuming, trying to eat smaller quantities, etc.
  • Hi, I just started my journey to losing weight and to become healthy. I am from Maine and looking for support...
  • kme2011
    kme2011 Posts: 100 Member
    walking is a good exercise to get you moving. but you have to move it enough to get your blood pumping and get your body hot. also if you have an xbox that thing is amazing at getting you moving. I'm always sore after if finish playing and it really doesn't seem like exercise b/c its fun. feel free to add if you need a new friend. the more the merrier. And Happy New Year!
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    HEY!! Welcome!

    You can find lots of answers to your questions by searching the forums here. For exercising tips (frequency, exercises, intensity, etc) I recommend this website: www.exrx.net . Has lots of articles on how to structure a workout and how to structure a diet to meet your weight loss goals. Don't get overwhelmed by all the info you find... there's a lot out there, not all of it good or useful. I also recommend checking out www.bodybuildling.com and check out some of the fitness plans they have to offer.

    I know you don't have access to a gym, but putting sand in gallon milk jugs and tying them to both ends of a broomstick makes an excellent makeshift loaded barbell :) I highly recommend looking around for a community rec center like a YMCA or something similar. They are really inexpensive to join and typically offer a lot more than just access to weight machines and treadmills. Paying for a gym membership is also a big motivator to actually use it! Not to mention, making contact with a personal trainer or nutritionist can help you out tremendously. At YMCA's and other inexpensive gyms, sometimes they offer personal training sessions at either no cost or for a modest fee. Check it out and good luck!
  • doda14
    doda14 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a few weeks new too. I've found that you should spend a few days eating what you would normally eat - LOG EVERYTHING. I was amazed how the calories added up. I learned a lot just seeing the reality of the numbers.

    After seeing what I normally ate, I saw my portions were really out of wack. I've been able to make better food choices. I still feel like I eat what I like, but have reduced the amounts to keep within my daily calorie allowance -- or exercise enough to stay within my numbers.

    The other thing I realized, is that I got in the habit of eating until I was full. Now I'm eating a portion. So I'm eating until I'm satisfied. Huge light bulb moment.

    I really wanted to log for 21 days. I lost a pound a week for the first 3 weeks. Felt awesome about it. But I haven't logged through the holidays -- So I'm getting back on the wagon.

    What is your goal?

    Best of luck!
  • speedycakes
    speedycakes Posts: 152 Member
    Hello and welcome.
    It's great that your taking interest in being healthy. This doesn't happen over night and takes a lot of hard work. Just imagine how wonderful it will be to look back in a year at what you are now compared to what you will become.

    As for exercise:Biking, Running, Jogging, Fast walking, Swimming, Skating, sports, ANYTHING that raises your heart rate is good. So many people think you have to run. I HATE running. I'd rather take a long bike ride or go roller skating. You need at least 30 minutes a day. If you can't do that yet try 30-45 minutes everyother day till you can go more.

    It doesn;t matter that there light you can still get a good work out.
    Something like ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF84c5lyfls or http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/strengthening/free_weights.php You don't need a bench use your bed or the couch. :) Things like push ups, sit-ups, squats and lunges are GREAT.

    Don't diet. Change your lifestyle. Diets are temporary and so is the weight loss from them. You have to change the way you eat for the rest of your life if you want to live healthy. This is NOT saying you can't ever have a cookie. You can have ANYTHING as long as you use moderation. 2 slices of bacon instead of 4, 1/2c of ice cream instead of a bowl full, 2 smaller cookies instead of a few. Things like that.
  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    First advice ... Re-examine the way you look at this. Mindset matters. Instead of "diet and exercise" ... Think "healthy lifestyle" ... and all the change will be towards that heathy lifestyle..

    Even though I am on and off of here and my progress is slow, it is much easier to maintain my weight and not slip backwards, when I look at this way.