P90X a good option?

I'm looking to begin an exercise program but need something that will incorporate alot of weight bearing exercise to help w/ decreasing bone density. Someone recommended P90X. My question is, is P90X ok to start for someone who hasn't exercised in three years? I figured I could just do what I can at the start. Thoughts?


  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    You could just start with walking. If you want a 'program' you could do worse than the 30 day shred...
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    My opinion may differ from other people's opinions. Many people will say not to start with P90X but if you don't have any actual health concerns I don't see why not start with it. You do what you can do and that's it. You work at your own pace, you do whatever you can. You can start with light weights and work your way up to heavier ones. You can choose to leave out a few exercises until you get stronger if you need to, etc. I see no reason for someone not to start out with it if they are physically capable. I love P90X and think it's a great program. I highly recommend it.
  • mauriewest
    mauriewest Posts: 9 Member
    I completed it when I was in pretty good shape and it was tough. It is a great workout, but you could hurt yourself if not careful. On the other hand, there is always someone on each DVD modifying the exercise (making it easier) so that it can appeal to people of all fitness levels. If you do do it, good luck, it was a great journey for me that provided awesome results which was very rewarding.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Why not just do what you can when you start. I started the program with 100+ to lose and I modified workouts for example I did push ups on my knees, I wouldn't go so low in my lunges, do less reps then what they do. Just don't overdo it and as you become stronger you will be able to keep up with the video. I love P90X I am on my second round of it and I notice a difference I have had to up my weights. I still can't keep up with the people on the video, but who cares. Its fantastic and my husband now does it with me after he saw the results from round 1. Good luck.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Depends on you and your fitness level. If you don't think you are ready for it- start with P90, by Tony Horton. Thats an older program , but will better prepaire you for P90X.

    There is a fitness test on the BeachBody .com site - you can take that first to see where you fall in the recommendation level.

    If you want to start with P90X, you may be able to, but keep the following in mind.

    Everyone modify s at the beginning, Everyone does. Almost no one finishes the DVD through to the end at first.

    This is all normal, and all expected.

    Some people must go through the program, a few times, before they are able to complete all 90 days. Just keep coming back.

    It is an intense program, but also produces some dramatic results.

    There are modifications for most moves in the DVDs, never feel "weak" for using them. We all start somewhere,

    Just keep coming back everyday, and go at it again. Keep pushing play, don't get frustrated, and give up.

    Really make a decision to complete the entire 90 days, to the best of "your" ability, at "your" fitness level. And know, after 90 days - you will be better, but you will likely NOT have the program mastered. Thats the beauty of it, it will still challenge you the third, 5th, 10th time.

    I have completed it 7 times, and though I can get through all DVDs in advanced mode (now), I still have areas of challenge, area or weakness that I am still working on. :)

    It will produce some great results, if you do watch your diet, and do push yourself. Diet is very important.
  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    Thanks very much for the information re: P90X. I have decided to give it a shot knowing I can go at my own pace. Thanks again!!