Saggy Skin?

Hi all! I have a huge amount to lose and the only thing I'm worried about is saggy skin. I couldnt handle getting to goal only to find I have all that loose yucky looking flab. Is there any way to avoid it? (Clearly not getting fat to start with lol)

Is there anyone here who's lost 150pounds and not had saggy skin?? Having a tummy tuck is not financially viable.


  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Plenty of people have. It depends what you mean by 'saggy'. If you're referring to the kinds of images that you see in the plastic surgery commercial style 'reality tv' programmes, your chances of getting that way are reasonably slim. You will have a little loose skin on the way down, unless you're very lucky. In my case, it's more like soft patches than really 'saggy' bits. However, your skin takes about two years post weightloss to taughten back up again, so you'd need to wait a while to see your final outcome. And also, a little softness still looks a lot better than rolls of fat.

    It annoys me slightly (not directed at you but at the diet and surgery industry!) that I think a lot of people are being put off healthy weightloss by the kind of imagery pedalled by this industry in its attempts to sell its wears. These kinds of images are generally associated with very extreme weightloss - very rapid, and from a very very high starting weight. Yes, they certainly do happen to other people with a lot to lose (and I know there are a few people on here who struggle with this), but generally, while some looseness is inevitable, slow and steady weightloss, exercise, and hydration is sufficient to stop the worst of the sagging.
  • Thank you so much Meerkat for replying to the post regarding "saggy skin"; this has certainly been a fear of mine and a concern that I have used NOT to lose weight. Again thank you.
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    Check out this thread, this lady has lost heaps of weight and her skin looks great!
  • melcpia
    melcpia Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks Meerkat. Those are exactly the images I have rolling around in my head. I have fairly good skin so fingers crossed I dont end up with the yucky skin you see on tv..
  • amycarol59
    amycarol59 Posts: 111 Member
    This is my fear to but I am giving my skin extra love lots of exfoliation and creams. I read too that it helps as you loose the weight to massage the places of extra skin. Do know if it works but I am giving it a go. Better to work on it now when I still have 100+ pds to lose than waking up at my goal weight and saying What the heck!! Good Luck!
  • Eating right, drinking PLENTY of water, and toning should all help reduce the liklihood of loose skin
    I've lost 70lbs in a year and my skin is still rather firm, not much hanging (exception of armpit area, but I think that will tighten up in time). Once I start toning it should be fine