I've stopped losing weight

Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
It's so annoying. How do I lose 69 pounds and then stop? I've lost nothing the past month and I've tried the following:
Increasing exercise
Lowering carbs (160/day)
Eating cleaner foods
No fast foods/preprepared
Raised cals
Lowered cals
Bought an HRM and food scale to be more accurate

I'm becoming unmotivated. I'm 5'9" & 177, so I know I still have 25- 35 pounds I can lose. I've been at this for a year and a day and I don't know what else to do.

This happen to anyone else? Please tell me someone has an idea as to what I can do. I'm willing to do anything. it's depressing trying so hard and not getting anywhere.


  • jaynewould
    Someone more knowledgable than me will probably chime in soon, but in the meantime:

    - Plateaus happen, even really long plateaus :( It's still better than a gain though!

    - Do you record non-weight things, like your measurements, or your body fat percentage? Sometimes the scales don't show a change even though your body composition is improving.

    I've only had plateaus last a week (I have a lot to lose though) and you just kind of have to put your head down and keep pushing forward. Maybe up your exercise too, if you can? Even if it doesn't show on the scale, it'll still do you good. Good luck :D
  • truelypinkthing
    truelypinkthing Posts: 164 Member
    I stick every now and then and know how frustrating it is. What usually works for me is to double the amount of water that I drink :drinker: to seriously flush out the system, have baths with a handful of Epsom salts in the water, another detoxing trick. I also totally change what i eat to fool my body, and zigzag the calories 400 over and then 400 under then normal. Don't give up, you can do this :happy: and add a different exercise, swimming or something new.
  • jacksamjack
    jacksamjack Posts: 146 Member
    I also stick for weeks at a time - my weight loss has really slowed down. I have tried all the things that truelypink recommends (except the bath..!) and my plateaus all came to an end - eventually!! Just stick with it, you have a new healthy approach to life and a huge weight loss in the bag already! Well done for all you have achieved, your weight will start to move downwards again, if you still have more to lose!! Happy New Year to you :flowerforyou:
  • kwamgee
    that happened to me recently... a co-worker of mine that was in the navy suggested that I incorporate weight training into my routine. He said I will initially gain weight, but then as muscle mass increases, the muscles will place a demand on stored fat for energy, then weight will fall off. I followed his advice... I gained 4 lbs initially, then I started to lose again.
  • Alicja_W
    Alicja_W Posts: 169
    i don't know how to help you :frown: i've been stuck myself for over a month :sad:
  • teephil
    teephil Posts: 135 Member
    It happens. I've been the same weight for the last month, and now all of the sudden I'm dropping like crazy again. It'll come off, just keep doing what you're doing! Don't let plateaus discourage you!
  • zendarah
    zendarah Posts: 91 Member
    My mother suggested eating a big *kitten* breakfast then tapering it off for the day. It worked for me. i would eat 600 cal breaky, 400 lunch and 200 dinner within my limit of 1200 cals. Give it a go :)
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Plateau's do occurr to everyone. The upside is when they finally break you have a great loss. I plateau'd in April of this year and didn't loss another pound till October. IT was HORRINDOUS.. I finally just stopped doing everything and changed my entire life style to shock my system. I ate whatever I desired within moderation, and did use my head about it. I done this for a full month. Once I completed this I started back to my exercise routine slowly, and started watching my calories again. It started dropping again. You can do this, YOU CAN DO THIS. Don't let it beat you down, DON"T LET IT WIN....
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    It's only been a month, and you've tried all those things? It takes a while for things to work, especially if you're increasing your cals in an attempt to fire up your metabolism.

    Give it more time. When you make a change, give it 3 or 4 weeks before you decide if it's going to work.

    Looking back through your diary, there are several days over the past few weeks where you didn't even log, and a few days where you ate far below your cal goal. Before making all these changes, I would first make sure you're in the habit of logging everything you eat and drink, every day, and measuring your food amounts accurately. That will probably tell you where the problem lies.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    It's so annoying. How do I lose 69 pounds and then stop? I've lost nothing the past month and I've tried the following:
    Increasing exercise
    Lowering carbs (160/day)
    Eating cleaner foods
    No fast foods/preprepared
    Raised cals
    Lowered cals
    Bought an HRM and food scale to be more accurate

    I'm becoming unmotivated. I'm 5'9" & 177, so I know I still have 25- 35 pounds I can lose. I've been at this for a year and a day and I don't know what else to do.

    This happen to anyone else? Please tell me someone has an idea as to what I can do. I'm willing to do anything. it's depressing trying so hard and not getting anywhere.
    Increase exercise INTENSITY as well as duration.
    And make sure you change up your whole exercise routine.
    And change it up every 30 days.

    You are much more fit now, so it takes more to get results.
    That's it.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    as far as exercise goes, you need to increase intensity, not so much distance or duration. idk if you run, but you can go outside and run with a weighted pack. i use a camelbak cloud walker. filled with water, it weighs about 6lbs.

    if you don't have a food scale, get one.

    have a "cheat" meal once a week. i like a big calorie spike day once a week or every other week. like, a big lunch and big dinner. i usually work out like a beast the next day.
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I have no scientific proof to back this up, but my theory is that the "survival is a good thing" part of our brains tells our bodies to hang on to more weight in the winter. Back in the day, we needed fat and the insulation it provides to survive. Ever notice how people sleep more in the winter, too. I'd just chalk up the stalled weight loss to winter. You've still lost a lot of weight, and that's something to be proud of.