Jillian Michael's Fitness Challenge



  • nickm21
    nickm21 Posts: 254 Member
    I'd love to join you. I have 30ds and I'm waiting for delivery of several other dvd's this week.

    I have put on so much weight and decided that enough is enough and this year it will be gone for good.
  • hmcminton
    hmcminton Posts: 49 Member
    my top 3 of Jillian include Yoga Meltdown, 6-week 6-pack, and Shred it With Weights (in addition to 30DS of course!).
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    my top 3 of Jillian include Yoga Meltdown, 6-week 6-pack, and Shred it With Weights (in addition to 30DS of course!).

    wish theyd bring out shred it with weights in the UK
  • KMiche82
    KMiche82 Posts: 144 Member
    I have been doing the 30ds already so I accept the challenge.
  • i_am_asparagus
    i_am_asparagus Posts: 336 Member
    So how should we do this? Just keep posting on this thread or what would you ladies prefer?

    I've done two of my runs (one longer and one interval) and two Jillian workouts (NMTZ and 30DS) so far this week. My calves feel a bit tense, so I'm going to have to see if I need a rest day tomorrow or if I can keep going until the weekend. If my calves feel fine in the morning, it'll be BFBM tomorrow followed by my last run and 30DS the day after before two rest days on the weekend. I plan to keep this routine up for a few weeks at least, fingers crossed!

    Hope you're all doing well with your workouts! :)
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    I'm doing well.
    I did so far this week:
    Dec 31st: Extreme Shred and Shed DVD
    Jan 1st: 2.5 mile run
    Jan 2nd: 30 mins of No More Trouble Zones DVD and 1 hour walk
    Jan 3rd: 30 mins swimming laps
    Jan 4th: 1 hour hike

    My plan for the rest of the week
    5th: boxing 1 hour
    6th: 30 Day Shred DVD or Ripped in 30 DVD
    7th: run 3 miles

    I have stayed in my calorie goal all days except new year's eve :)

    How has it been for the rest of you?
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    Hi Fellow Jillian Fans

    I have done ripped in 30 and am hooked. Am going to get Extreme Shed and Shred, but is out of stock on amazon ( am in australia) do those who have it reconmend it. Also if I was to just get 2 other ones, what would you reconmend. Love the idea of mixing up the DVD's, what other equipment do you need or much the same.

  • acdeed
    acdeed Posts: 36 Member
    Deporee-I recommend Ripped in 30. It's great. My legs and knees hurt.
  • sbedwards1077
    sbedwards1077 Posts: 32 Member
    The only dvd that I have is the yoga meltdown. I have been following her book Making the Cut. The workouts in there are pretty awesome.
  • dsengel01
    dsengel01 Posts: 93 Member
    I just started her 30 Day Slimdown yesterday. Did the 30 Day Shred back in September and loved it and now want to try this. I've done NMTZ before and really liked but BFBM is going to be new to me. Good luck everybody!!
  • gracie_23
    My top 3 have to be:

    Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism
    6 Week 6 Pack
    Killer Buns and Thighs

    I've been really struggling food wise this week though so working out has been tough!
  • hmcminton
    hmcminton Posts: 49 Member
    i just received Extreme Shed and Shred in the mail today and did it this afternoon... i was sweating up a storm! there were a few moves i found confusing (jab combos), but with practice i am sure i will be fine!
    i only did Workout One because i was sore from ballet class last nite, but i think i could have continued if i pushed myself. she says several times to try to do the two workouts back-to-back.
    The moves were almost exclusively new from the other DVDs i have (30DS, Yoga meltdown, Ripped 30, 6wk6pack, banish fat boost metabolism, and shred with weights) so it was good for my muscles to have new moves to try. i recommend it for something a little different - she also does a longer warmup and cooldown than usual, so that is a plus!