Looking for friends!!! Need to lose 50+

Hi I am 29 yr old RN from Georgia, wife and mother of 2 boys who are 5 and 6 months! I am excited to begin this weight loss journey and figured what better way to spend it than with people with the same goals! Friend me if you are interested!


  • Hello, I to am focused on losing 50 lbs. My wife and I raised 3 kids, now have 5 grandkids, and I want to enjoy activities with them. Life kinda got away from me, made alot of excuses, gained wieght, now time to get it off. Nice to find another who has same goals.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hey hun, feel free to add me.
    I have lost 33 pounds and would like to lose at least another 40 or 50 by the time 2012 is over.
    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Welcome Ladies - this site has worked well for me. All the best to you both in your respective journeys! :flowerforyou: Feel free to friend me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hi add me I am 55 yrs old and need to lose 80 pounds, I work in the heart center of the childerns hospital in Indianapoli IN
    Welcome to MFP
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    Welcome! You're in good company here... you can do it!
  • Hi, I need to lose at least ( my goal) 150 lbs.. I need friends who understand what it is like to be fighting this dragon! I am a mom of three boys, ages 26 and married, age 19 almost 20 and my baby, 7 going on 14.. no really going on 8. My first grandbaby is due in February and as you can see my photo... I am a rather large girl... I want to be a healthy grandma to run around and to be around for my grandbaby and babies to be...I want to be able to run around with my seven year old as well. I am tired of being tired, and not being able to move around and do things like I did with the 2 oldest boys. I want to feel sexy again and not just like a mom.. I want my husband to say I am a sexy momma and not tell me, " your look like a mom".. what does that mean? I need support because there is nothing else in the world like feeling you are all alone... I am 46 years old . I work full time at a stress ful job. I am open to friends. again who are slaying the dragon of weight gain.
  • thanks ..... to read that.. yes WE can do it.
  • Hi, I've been on MFP for about 6 months now and it's helped me lose about 20-25 lbs! Good luck! Gary :smile: