Frustrated with not losing

When I started MFP I was religious about logging and exercising. I lost 10 lbs very quickly. Now I seem to be stuck at one weight. I'm still logging and exercising religiously, but the scale won't budge! Help! What am I doing wrong?


  • Bump up your calorie intake by 10%! Seriously. Also, change up your workouts! And bump up the intensity.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    When I started MFP I was religious about logging and exercising. I lost 10 lbs very quickly. Now I seem to be stuck at one weight. I'm still logging and exercising religiously, but the scale won't budge! Help! What am I doing wrong?

    Before I say anything, Im curious...
    How tall are you, and what is your current weight right now?
  • 5'2", 130. I know I don't have much to lose, but I'd like to get to 120 if that's possible.
  • kennagif
    kennagif Posts: 23 Member
    Try paying attention to your carbs. Try to cut back a little...maybe less than 100-150 per day. Make sure you are eating protein and "real" food, not a lot of processed "junk", which tends to make you over eat in the long run. Good Luck!!!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    5'2", 130. I know I don't have much to lose, but I'd like to get to 120 if that's possible.

    How many calories are you eating? What are you exercises like (calorie burn)?
  • I am also in the same spot you are.... I started my journey in July at 175.... Started mfp and it really helped me watch my eating... started a 10 week running program which seems to really help me shed pounds.... Now i am at 154 on my second week of my running plan but have been stuck at 154 for way too long.... If you find anything that helps you kick things back into losing mode please let me know!! I need all the help I can get... I would love to keep toning and losing before my vacation in March! Thanks!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    5'2", 130. I know I don't have much to lose, but I'd like to get to 120 if that's possible.

    First, if you haven't done so already, change your goal to .5 lbs per week. Second, are you exercising and if so, are you eating back some of your exercise calories? And if you are exercising, what type of workouts do you do?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    I am also in the same spot you are.... I started my journey in July at 175.... Started mfp and it really helped me watch my eating... started a 10 week running program which seems to really help me shed pounds.... Now i am at 154 on my second week of my running plan but have been stuck at 154 for way too long.... If you find anything that helps you kick things back into losing mode please let me know!! I need all the help I can get... I would love to keep toning and losing before my vacation in March! Thanks!

    Are you eating back your exercise calories? Do you have a HRM/Body Media?
  • I do not eat any more on days I go to the gym. I do not have a HRM.