I am amazed!

Just by plugging in what I have eaten and drank today... and it wasnt much funny enough..
I am amazed and actually a little disgusted. I cant believe what a soda costs!
( I say cost... cause it is almost like I have $$ and have to pay...)
I think that will be a major help to me... keeping track of what I eat, and then plugging it in... seeing just how bad everything is.

I am open to hear about anyones diet plan.. what they eat, and not eat and such.. I need to find one.


  • rainysoul
    Just by plugging in what I have eaten and drank today... and it wasnt much funny enough..
    I am amazed and actually a little disgusted. I cant believe what a soda costs!
    ( I say cost... cause it is almost like I have $$ and have to pay...)
    I think that will be a major help to me... keeping track of what I eat, and then plugging it in... seeing just how bad everything is.

    I am open to hear about anyones diet plan.. what they eat, and not eat and such.. I need to find one.
  • llekllek
    Yeah I'm with you, the food tracker on this site is excellent! Best one I've found. As for the soda, I used to drink 3 or 4 sodas a day until I realized how many calories I was drinking. Now I stick to water or 100% juice. Better to eat your calories than drink them!

    Over the summer I lost a bit of weight without "dieting" (gained it all back since then but that's beside the point :wink: ). I did it by picking 4 of my favorite *unhealthy* foods and eliminating them from my diet. Four may be a little much, you could start with one or two. (Mine were cheese, soda, chocolate, and white bread.) Every so often I'd reward myself by treating myself to one of them, but getting them out of my daily diet really made a difference for me. Of course exercising helped a lot too!

    Hope that was helpful, maybe it could work for you too. Good luck to you!
  • shenitamo
    shenitamo Posts: 147 Member
    Hi! I agree about the soda, my grilfriends and I were just talking last night about how if you drink a soda a day, you are almost sealing the deal that you will have diabetes in the future because not only are you getting all of that sugar in that soda, but then it makes your body crave more. I only drink diet soda, but I am working on drinking that less as well.
    As for giving up soecific foods-- I think I am going to try the "lent" approach. Cut out a certain food or foods (like fried food) for 40 days. Then see how that goes and maybe switch the food to something else. We all just have to make sure we aren't replacing those foods with stuff that is even worse.
    Good luck to all!
  • rainysoul
    Yeah, sodas are going to have to go. Completley. I actually LOVE diet sunkist, so that wont be a problem.. And, I crave the carbonation. I love pototoes and cheese and breads...
    I am a LOT better on sugars though.. really.. I just have to have my ice cream.. but.. I suppose I am going to have to do something about that as well.
    This is going to be so hard.
    But I thank all of you who are chatting with me... Thats what I need!

    Again, anyone feel free to add me.. the more friends, and support the better!
  • llekllek
    When I was drinking soda every day, I used to get headaches until I drank one. I called it a caffiene headache, but I wonder if the sugar had something to do with it? Either way, the headaches let me know for certain it wasn't good for me!
  • Rosette
    Rosette Posts: 34
    Instead of the ice cream, I use yogurt with fruits (your favorite type of fruit)

    I make it actually and sweeten it with stevia
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    A nutritionist at work said we dont have to sacrifice our ice cream...because I love it. I eat ice cream all season. But we just need to make better choices and we can't have a huge bowl of it either. Maybe 1/2 cup and that is it. I think we can fit 1/2 cup of our favourite things into our lives. It will probably make us re-evaluate all of our food choices so that we can have our indulgences.