10,000 steps a day rule

In the UK we are recommended that we walk 10,000 steps a day, minimum. I wear a pedometer daily and i should find this achievable and i realise that i would need to account for the exercise i am doing when i'm consuming calories. But I was wondering if anyone else has used this 10,000 step rule to help them with their weight loss or if you've not tried it, have you heard of it being a success for others.


  • Kimsied
    Kimsied Posts: 232
    Hi, I try to do that as well though this past week I've been falling short. I think the main point of the suggestion is to get people thinking about how much they move throughout the day and to make an effort to move me. My understanding is that specific recommendation comes from the idea that people "should" get at least 45 minutes of moderate activity in each day and they figure that to be the equivalent of a brisk 5 mile walk. And depending on your height and stride length, 10,000 steps would equal a 5 mile walk for many people (I am short so it falls a little short of 5 miles for me). That is how it was explained to me anyway. I wear a fitbit which tracks my steps, floors climbed, activity level. My weight loss and weight loss goals are fairly modest, so I don't have any radical results but my weight has been slowly but consistently trending down since I've started tracking steps with minimal diet change. Of course, as we all know, diet change is where the big results come from, but it all helps.