I dont know how im gonna hit my caloric intake for today :(

Im having a tough time knowing how Im gonna hit my calories today and its really depressing me. I know how important it is to eat :(


  • Dont be depressed, tell us more. Whats going on? Not hungry, not sure what to eat? Whats up? We are here to help you in any way we can, just let us know
  • scarlettd12
    scarlettd12 Posts: 111 Member
    I found myself in the same position the other day. My thing was, I got up late in the day so I missed breakfast. Then I just wasn't hungry later in the day. I have a hard time forcing myself to eat when I'm not hungry (shocking, I know).

    Who would have ever thought I would be worried about not eating enough? Haha Like on the nights I work, I always worry about my dinner. Will I make good choices there (I work at a restaurant) and if I don't....will I fufill my calories for the day? I worry about this a lot actually. Tonight I am planning on sneaking dinner in before work so I don't even have to worry about it.

    It's early in the day, so why are you worried about not eating enough? I read somewhere on here that you can take calories from a different day and use them? So if you don't eat enough today, could you essentially eat more tomorrow?! Not sure how that works.

    Good luck to you!
  • i just not gonna have an appetite later..not even gonna drink tonight :(..how am i gonna hit my calories later :(
  • scarlettd12
    scarlettd12 Posts: 111 Member
    Now I feel like an *kitten*! :-P
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    What do you mean you're not going to have an appetite later? Are you sick or something? How do you know in advance?
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    This is a very confusing thread... Can you give us some more information?!

    I looked for your diary, but it's not public, not sure how we can help or if you want help?!
  • If you are trying to lose weight why do you care if you don't get enough calories?

    Just force down a couple protein shakes, you'll get your necessary nutrients, while maintaining a calorie deficit - isn't that the point of dieting...
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    If it's just today then don't worry about it. One day won't hurt anything. But if you are way under on a regular basis then you need to address it.
  • i am quite confused? you're upset because you're PREDICTING that you won't be hungry?

    Have a smoothie--make it with 1 cup milk (80 calories for skim), 1 cup yogurt (120ish calories), 2 tbsp peanut butter (180 calories) and a banana (100). 480 calories of nutritious goodness!

    Then have some cheese and crackers --whole grain of course and 2-3 oz of cheese...120 for the crackers and 200-300 for the cheese . 320 calories and NOT FILLING AT ALL!

    Then assess the situtation..that's 800 calories that won't make you sooo stuffed if you need the calories.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Can someone say "sarcasm"??????

  • guys this is a joke..this topic thats why i listed it in chit chat fun and games....its NYE..i will be breathing in calories tonight LOL
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Im having a tough time knowing how Im gonna hit my calories today and its really depressing me. I know how important it is to eat :(
    None of us got here not knowing how to down calories.
    Make a shake.
    Have a burger.

    Take action!

    EDIT! --- Ahhhahah - YOU GOT ME!
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    If you are trying to lose weight why do you care if you don't get enough calories?

    Just force down a couple protein shakes, you'll get your necessary nutrients, while maintaining a calorie deficit - isn't that the point of dieting...

  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    ha! im gonna hit it a couple of times later!
  • Can someone say "sarcasm"??????


    at least one person got it :) Happy New Years to you as well
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Bahahaha......:laugh: :laugh: whatever will you do?
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Don't worry! I'll take in enough calories for BOTH of us! I got you covered...:bigsmile:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    It's new years eve......round up some appetizers, get out the booze and party......I know I'll be eating enough for 3-4 people today!!!
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    Don't worry. I will eat and drink enough for the both of us! LOL :drinker:

    Anyone else need help? :laugh:
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Im having a tough time knowing how Im gonna hit my calories today and its really depressing me. I know how important it is to eat :(

    Don't worry about it for today, one day of eating not enough calories won't harm you.. it's only consistent large deficits that can hurt your weight loss and also obviously deprive you of nutrients.