My New Years Resolution to Myself

My NY Resolution is to speak kinder of myself and to cut down the negative self-talk. When I look at myself in the mirror, instead of picking on all of the points I DON'T like, I will focus on at least two things I DO like (but still work on the issues of the points I don't like).

What's your NYR?


  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    To lose 15lbs not because i want or have to but as a weight cushion for holiday and vacations when i plan to over indulge. I never planned to drop 46 lbs last year i just decided to do it. I've been partying like a madman since Thanksgiving and alot this week as it comes to an end but come January 1st i will achieve my goal. I'm a firm believer of eat, drink and be merry.. Other then that i hit 50 in 2012 and can do basically the same things i could do at 20... I'm happy, content and healthy. 2012 bring it.
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    I'm a firm believe of eat, drink, and be merry too...that's why I'm 25 lbs overweight! lol. I guess it's that German/Irish in me...I don't stand a chance!
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Haha getting ready to tip back some Jameson's Irish Whiskey here in a bit. Nothing says we can't eat , drink and be merry at least once a week. In fact i think everybody should. Once you lose weight its all about choices. Many of them simple. I've been going overboard since Thanksgiving and I've only put on 2-3 lbs amazingly. Thats only 1-2 weeks of simply calorie reduction to lose it. We can have it all. We just can't have it all , all the time. Happy New Year and good luck on your weight loss adventure.
  • Mine is to keep up with the exercising and eating well if/when I get pregnant. I don't want to gain a huge amount again, even though last time a majority of it was water weight/bloating from a medical condition.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    mine's to finish Wii Fit and reach the weight goal it set of 9st 3.. I;ve had the original wii fit years and never finished it yet, but now only 14lbs off!

    oh and get in the 30" waist Levi's I got off ebay the other day to motivate me to get these last few inches off! :happy:
  • I really like your goal. From the time I was about 14 or so, someone in my life started implementing the "three nice things" act. When someone says something negative, whether about themselves or someone else, you're supposed to say three nice things to counteract it...

    For your two nice things, don't just focus on body parts you like, focus on aspects of your personality and character that you like as well. In some cases, pointing our flaws to our body is a representation that something "inside" is off. Focus on the things that make you a good person. :)

    Best of luck, and I hope the rest of your year is fantastic!
  • angiek941
    angiek941 Posts: 97 Member
    I plan to tone up and lose this last few lbs. But I also plan to start really enjoying my loss, and stop being so scared I'm going to gain it all back. I really need to get a mental handle on this new me because I want her to be around for the long haul.