No more "I Can't"

How many times have you heard someone say " I can't" or some one else has told you " You can't" mostly probably many of you. The truth is you CAN and you WILL. Sometimes we can let other people bring us down.. this could be a family member, friends or someone you do not even know. Do not let anyone ever try to get in the way of you attacking your goals.

Step 1. You must Believe in YOU.
Step 2. You CAN do it.
Step 3. Don't live the life of another persons negativity.

"That little voice you hear saying "I Can't" Is a Liar.


  • exerbeast
    I'm glad I happened on your comment because not only did a family member tell me I can't, she laughed when I told her my goal. I'm going to repeat your steps every day and prove her wrong.