If you could only have 1 workout DVD...



  • sallenspach
    sallenspach Posts: 19 Member
    I am a big Jillian Michaels fan. Anything by her. Also P90X and the masters series......
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Thanks everyone, lots to look in to! No netflix, but have thought about taking them out of the library but the late fee is $3 A DAY so I'm nervous to go that route...figured I'd invest in 1 for now...maybe I can get 2 :tongue:
  • jennifer2977
    The original Biggest Loser DVD (the first one). It has 4 workouts (2 cardio and 2 weight/strength), 2 at a lower intensity and 2 at a higher one. I did the video for 2 weeks and could already tell a difference. I'm so dusting it off this weekend! LOL