Is having a too large deficit ok once in a while?

Today I went to the gym as normal and logged 400+ calories on the elliptical. I didn't log my strenth training for calories. Then later I went and got a heart monitor. I wanted to play with it so I played with my kinect for a while and it said I burned another 280 calories playing.

Now I'm under my food goal by 950 calories (I would hate to see how bad it would be if I had a way to log the strength training too_. I have mine set mfp to 1 pound a week and i'm obese enough where I could do 2 so normally if I'm less then 500 under I accept that (I won't set it to 2 pounds because I know I wouldn't let myself go over and see a red calorie number so its better for me this way)... however this means I'm almost in a 1500 deficit. Is this ok for today? I'm not really hungry and don't have much around for snacks around anyway... so I'm not sure I'll eat anything more today.

Is this something that I just shouldn't do often and once in a while will be ok?


  • I think it all depends on how you feel. If you are posting that kind of deficit and you are feeling tired, groggy, light headed, or very sore its probably not enough. I pay close attention to my body as well as the numbers I am getting out of mfp.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    It's probably not going to hurt you to have that sort of deficit, if you're not experiencing the symptoms the earlier poster described. If it was me, I'd make myself eat part of it (peanut butter is good for this, a couple of tablespoons is a fair number of calories) because I know from experience that I will feel crappy the next day if I don't--but that's just me. Do be prepared to be especially hungry tomorrow though, if you end up being over tomorrow, I wouldn't stress it. Also, make sure you got in a reasonable amount of protein for the day.
  • its a tricky one, the counter on here gives a deficit as it's already calculated how many calories you 'should' burn. so the daily target for calorie intake is exactly that. if you exercise you are expected to take in more calories to counter balance. if you don't you run the risk of your body going into starvation mode, and even though you're exercising more and eating less than usual...your body automatically reacts by thinking 'uhoh, im doing more but getting less fuel' so stores EVERYTHING as fat coz it's in emergency mode.
    so im sure its fine as a one off, but if u carry on long term, it defeats the point of trying to lose weight. good luck x
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    One day isn't going to hurt you. I wouldn't stuff myself just to be stuffing myself but if you're hungry eat. If you wake up in the morning ravenous have a good breakfast. I wouldn't make a habit of it though.
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    I have had alot of protein today (I'm actually over in protein, close in either direction on fats, and low on carbs most days including today). I am a bit tired but it is 8:15 and I have been up since 7 or so... and my husband went to bed hours ago (he has to be at work at 3 a.m.) so it feels like it should be later. Other then that I feel fine though, I actually kind of want to play my game some more but then I would end up even worse in calories...

    I did eat 100 of the remaining ones... I had a bit of ice cream since I figured I have the calories. I don't have peanut butter here... I should put that on my shopping list though would be good to have.

    Thanks for your help :)
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    No, once in a while it's fine. Your metabolism might slow if you have a really large deficit, because you risk losing lean muscle mass (which impacts on your BMR)