Weak knees?

Hello everyone, and happy new year! My problem is that when I am going on the Elliptical (mostly toward the end of my run) My knees always feel like they are going to give out, they almost have a few times, I can feel it. I have no pain in my knees...Is it just because I am tired? Should I talk to a Dr about this?


  • abrantner
    Mine get a little wonky sometimes.. I just ease back on the intensity for a few minutes and it seems to work itself out.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    its probably because your muscles are tired and have used up most of their stores of glycogen
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    A month and a half ago I started *really* working out (as in, before I was just doing treadmill and then I started a routine with weights, squats, lunges, jumping, etc) and my knees were just awful. I had to modify a lot of the exercises on the dvd (30 day shred) in order just to get through the workout. Now a month later, I've gone back to the beginning and started again and my knees are a LOT better than they were. Still not perfect but a HUGE improvement. I think I just wasn't used to using those muscles and they were super weak and needed time and training to get some strength. I say take things slow and do what you can without over-doing it. It is very possible that they will improve over time. Take breaks when you need them, but also if you are really worried that it might be something more then don't hesitate to go speak with your dr and have it checked out, just to be safe.
  • vs1023
    vs1023 Posts: 417 Member
    Agree with above poster. When I took on running a couple years ago I messed up my knee. My muscles had a lot of adhesions and knots and were very weak in my legs. Some massage therapy, chiro and heat/ice and stretching helped. Now I do those regularly, but back then I added in weight training with squats, lunges and a kickboxing class and they got so much better. They are acting up now a bit more so i'm back to my routine since I just started working out again since having my son. Once i knew i didn't tear anything I felt comfortable enough to do more weight training in my legs. Bike riding is great too. I wear a brace for that since my knee pops out of alignment occasionally.