Today is My Birthday! Today is also GOAL Day!

tlhpruitt Posts: 18 Member
I am celebrating my 50th birthday today. I reflect over this year and I am so blessed. I am celebrating by giving myself the best present ever. I give myself the gift of reaching …. GOAL!
I am calling it today. I said I would know when I got there. I am there!!!
I have been in Transition for 7 weeks, but did not call goal. I met my initial goal of 180 on 12/2, but changed my goal weight as I knew I wanted to be well under 180. I just didn’t know how far under. Last week I made the decision to call it on today’s weigh in no matter what the weight would be; it would be the weight I would maintain. I am satisfied with the size I am. I am wearing size 10s and 12s. So, today is the day I reach GOAL.
I started this journey knowing that I had to lose the weight no matter what. My health was compromised by the weight. I remember the day in June 2010 that I sat in the hair salon after a doctor’s visit that week and was crying uncontrollably. I was shocked! Not to mention, I was ashamed and embarrassed. I told no one at the time (not even my husband) and only revealed it to my hair dresser because I saw myself in the mirror and had burst into tears. I had weighed in at 291 pounds and the doctor wanted to increase my blood pressure medication. She told me that the only way to avoid the increase of the medication would be to lose weight. I asked for time to lose the weight before she increased it. She gave me 4 months to take off twenty pounds. I avoided going back in October because I hadn’t lost any weight. I waited until December and I thought I had lost 20 pounds, but had only lost 9. She said that I was making progress and would re-evaluate me in four months. My blood pressure went haywire in January and the doctor advised me to lose the weight ASAP. She recommended Medifast. I wasn’t sure it would work, but said I would try and if it didn’t we would keep trying until I found something that worked for me to take off the weight and keep it off.
I had, like so many, lost and gained weight over the years. This time I wanted something that would get me to a healthy weight and teach me how to keep it off for good. I have met goal weight in 10 ½ months.
Reaching goal on my birthday is spectacular! I am entering a new year with a healthy body. I couldn’t have asked for a better gift!
My gratitude is extended to this wonderful community, the Medifast staff, the wonderful friends I have found here and my loving and supportive family.
The next leg of the journey starts now!
My mantra during 5/1 was “Just do it!”
Today, I have a new mantra!
L-Living my new life

June 2010 291 pounds
Feb. 10, 2011 282 pounds
Dec. 31, 2011 170 pounds
-112 MF
-121 Total loss


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Happy Birthday! CONGRATS on the work.!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    go you. you rocking 50 VERY well, Happy Birthday as well. going onward and living life. I love this.
  • misstasharenee
    misstasharenee Posts: 95 Member
    Have a blessed 50th!!
  • Gratzi
    Gratzi Posts: 21 Member
    A very Happy Birthday indeed! Congratulations!
  • tlhpruitt
    tlhpruitt Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • veronica1359
    veronica1359 Posts: 421 Member
    Happy Birthday!!!:flowerforyou:
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Congratulations and happy birthday!
  • nursegnet
    nursegnet Posts: 155 Member
    Congratulations and Happy birthday!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Happy Birthday and AWESOME job!
  • onehotgirl
    great story, and it's the best birthday present you could ever give yourself xx
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    Congrats and happy birthday
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Happy Birthday, and Congratulations!!! The 50's are great! :smile:
  • Andrealeah32
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY -- and HAPPY GOAL WEIGHT DAY!! You deserve all the happiness in the world! Congrats on your successes!!!
  • alangholz
    Happy Birthday and congratulations on the best present ever!!
  • kellykelz86
    kellykelz86 Posts: 23 Member
    Happy Birthday and congrats!!
  • tgnzmum
    tgnzmum Posts: 41
    ~Happy Birthday to you!!!~ You are definitely an inspiration!! Keep up the great work!!! By the way...I LOVE your mantra!! I may have to borrow it!!!
  • nickymaddiemiasmami
    Congrats on reaching your goal! Happy Birthday:flowerforyou:
  • kbeller88
    kbeller88 Posts: 139
    Honey you have made my day...I started out at 291 also..I just started 2 weeks ago and I want to give myself the christmas gift of a healthy life! I'm 5'11'' and am considered morbidly obese...I want to be 155 and off of my depression meds too...I know i can do this anyone else want to join in my fight for life feel free to add me.
  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    You are AMAZING! And i love the G.O.A.L. acronym!
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Awesome!! Happy Birthday and thanks for being a good motivator!
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