Calorie Goals!!

So I have a question for you guys??
Is it ok to eat what you want providing you are under your calorie goal??


  • You will lose weight but it doesn't mean you'll lose fat. Also, if they are unhealthy foods then your body won't get sufficient nutrients that it needs.
  • So today I have logged all the foods I will eat, I still have 759 cals remaining and I haven't exercised yet.
    I was wondering if I could add things to my roast dinner e.g a yorkshire pudding and a couple of roast potatoes to bump up my calories or are the bad foods?
  • I've never denied myself anything provided I'm with in my calorie limit. If I were you go ahead and bulk your dinner up with roast potatoes, Yorkshire udding etc just stay within your goals. I have also been known to use left over calories for a bar of chocolate lol and I've lost 77 lbs now so it can't be that bad xx
  • So today I have logged all the foods I will eat, I still have 759 cals remaining and I haven't exercised yet.
    I was wondering if I could add things to my roast dinner e.g a yorkshire pudding and a couple of roast potatoes to bump up my calories or are the bad foods?

    No, that's okay. Don't force feed yourself unless you're hungry though but then again it depends on your calorie goal and how much below it you are. Don't worry about it too much, I thought you meant eating all bad foods but staying under the limit. You can treat yourself to 'not so healthy' food once in a while :)
  • Oh thats not too bad then :)
    I ate bad last night and accordign to the scales I have put on 2lb so I am a bit funny about what I eat today :/
  • That will be a normal fluctuation -- it's just not possible to gain 2lb of fat overnight. Remember, a lb of fat is 3500 calories.