2012 Goal Weight

Well everyone, since it is 2012... Who wants to hit their goal weight this year? I know I do!! I have 52 lbs til I reach my goal. How far long until you reach your goal? Are you changing your workouts at all since its 2012?


  • Sebnem123
    Sebnem123 Posts: 123 Member
    my goal is to be 110lbs...i hope i will make it...
  • SteadyPath
    Hi! I have the same goal for 2012! Let's do this!
  • Kev383601
    I am 100% motivated to hit my goal weight this year. I will be working out harder, longer, and more often in order to reach my goal. I have around 90 pounds to go!
  • aaleigha1
    aaleigha1 Posts: 408 Member
    I am hoping to reach my goal weight this year - however that would be over one pound a week and I also know I will be going for major surgery (knee replacement) if I am not at goal weight I wont mind if by years end I am closer than I am now
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    I lost 64 lbs in 2011 and have 46 more to go...now that Im more than half way there (getting harder to lose with just the 30-45 min of exercise im doing) Im thinking I need cardio alone for closer to an hour and maybe doing a toning dvd along with that
  • nalliebell
    nalliebell Posts: 61 Member
    my goal weight for 2012 is 135 lbs, I plan on adding light weight training 4 days per week this year.
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    I DO!!!!! I have 20 pounds to go to get down to 120! Hope I can make it happen! Good luck everyone!!! :)
  • marie2779
    marie2779 Posts: 38 Member
    I hope to hit my goal wight and stay there!! I reached it 18 months ago, became a slacker with MFP, and gained it back. This time I am committed to logging my calories and exersizing. My workout routine is I am doing 30DS right now, then I'm going on to ripped in 30 and NMTZ. Once the weather warms I want to do couch to 5K. I tried doing it on my treamill but I REALLY despise my treadmill. I have 19 pounds to go to be at my goal of 138 pounds.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I defs want to!
    Although it is not set in stone, anywhere between 30-50 pounds.. wherever I look best!
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    Hoping to reach my UGW between 120-125 which means I have 9-14lbs to lose, after already losing 68 in 2011. I'm moderately happy at 134 and 5'8 but I want to push my fitness to the extreme!
  • SmallerBecky
    I most certainly WILL reach my goal, although that goal may change. I'm about 21 lbs from what I thought I wanted to weigh and I'm realizing that I might not want to get much thinner than I am now! I will continue to tone up and gain more muscle and that will probably result in more loss, regardless. I think I'll be right where I want to be by May, probably much sooner, at the rate I'm going. I don't see anything standing in my way! :)
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    I gained weight in the mid part of the year after a knee injury and inability to keep exercising, then slow through the rehab. I lost some of it before I rediscovered MFP and got started for serious on 10/18. I have lost a total of 26.2 pounds in 2011. The plan is to lose the rest of my excess in 2012 for a total loss of 62.8 pounds, so that means 36.6 to go! Even if I slow to a pound a week with a few scattered weeks at maintenance, this is a strong possibility. I'm ready!
  • Staceydoodles
    It would be lovely to get there! But I won't be too disappointed if I don't, every pound lost slowly is one that's not coming back, I'm scared ones lost too quick will really just be hiding round the corner waiting for me to slip up haha! Xx
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    2011 was a good year for me losing weight, I hit all my mini goals set (the last one was yesterday so just sneaked that one in).

    I have 27 pounds left to lose, having lost 50lbs, to reach my goal, and I have set Easter as my target.

    I am looking to start body pump and spinning classes soon, haven't done these for a while though so dreading this, lol

    Good luck everyone
  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    I have 17 pds to go and let me tell you, this is the hardest 17 pds to lose. The first 39 came off easy! I was hoping to lose the 17 pds by March 1st, but that doesn't look like it is going to happen because the scale has just stayed the same for me. I am thinking about holding off on the strength training and just do cardio. I am hoping that will move the scale a little but.
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    My goal is to get back to my wedding weight. I have 10 lbs to go. Those "last 10 lbs." I've recently re-discovered my willpower and determination, so I'm confident that I can get back to my goal weight in 2012! let's do it!!
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I have about 15 pounds to reach my goal weight. Ready to go!! Exercise has been limited to some ankle injuries but I plan on getting into core work and yoga/pilates for the beginning of the new year while I heal and then hitting cardio again ASAP.
  • JenMarie826
    I most certainly WILL reach my goal, although that goal may change. I'm about 21 lbs from what I thought I wanted to weigh and I'm realizing that I might not want to get much thinner than I am now! I will continue to tone up and gain more muscle and that will probably result in more loss, regardless. I think I'll be right where I want to be by May, probably much sooner, at the rate I'm going. I don't see anything standing in my way! :)

    I love your attitude! :) You go girl!
  • JenMarie826
    We all can do this! Lets show 2012 who is boss!! :)
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    After failing the past two years to change my weight I am determined to get things done this year. I'm a little older and hopefully more motivated to get the 30lbs off. I know that this might not happen this year but I sure as hell will try my hardest to do so.

    Saying that, as my target weight will be around 120 lbs, this might change due to hopefully firming up/ decreasing my body fat percentage and gaining a tad bit of muscle to tone up. AS long as I can see a flatter stomach and firmer arms/legs/butt by 2013, I'll be happy!

    I am trying to aim to do at least 5-6 hours worth of exercise a week with more cardio and drink a lot more water.

    Best of luck to everyone for 2012!