Soup how to estimate the calories?

hope25 Posts: 188 Member
I made a soup for dinner tonight. I started with some leftover stir fry from lunch that was veggies cooked in some light dressing. Then I added a can of vegg all, two cans of tomatoes diced, 1/2 a can of black beans, beef broth, a chicken breast, and the last of a bag of spinach so you see it was kind of a dump all the good food in kind of thing. The thing is I really have no idea how to count calories for it. I think it should be relatively low since most of the soup is just veggies???????????


  • vulcangrrl
    You can go to the recipe creator, add in all the ingredients and MFP will give you an exact calorie count :)
  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member
    Thanks I will try that. Too bad I did not keep up with exact amounts!!