Bring It On 2012!

I have been using the phrase "Bring it on 2012" for the past few weeks and I am ready for this new year and the new me that is going to transpire this year. I am not looking at just losing weight but reshaping my attitude and my values.

I have always made it a goal of losing weight and each year I don't. 2011 I resolved to lose 50# and I am pretty sure I gained a few. (I forgot to weigh in this morning but will do it tomorrow). I am not looking at saying this year I need to lose 50#, I am looking at it as feeling beautiful on the inside and looking beautiful on the outside. If I lose 50# great, if I lose 5# that is great too. It's more about the way I feel now rather than the weight.

I know I need to lose the weight for my health but the numbers can be so daunting. I don't want to beat myself up over only losing .2 or gaining .5... I want to look at it as an accomplishment that I am working out and feeling better about me in my own skin.

So 2012 is going to Bring It, and I am going to do everything in my power to take it and make it the best year yet!

I should also add that I have taken advantage of the community on MFP before but when I signed in today (after not using the account for a few months) I no longer have my friends or any of my previous posts so it truly is a fresh start!